Chapter 31

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I called Jess letting her know that I was headed to the hospital because Zach was highly allergic to bees. "Hey Babe I'm taking Zach to the hospital. A bee stung him." "Okay I'll be there In a couple." I hung up and rushed to get us to the hospital. I got him a room and I sat down with him sleeping in my arms. After a while I saw Jess walk in. "How is he?" "He's better. They gave him medicine to reduce the reaction." "So he's gonna be okay?" "Yeah Babe don't worry about it." She gave him a kiss on the forehead and sat down next to me. The doctor walked in and told us he was going to be fine. So we went back home and took care of Zach. He woke up after sleeping in his bed for an hour. "Mommy!!" I went upstairs. "Hey Zach." "I want Mommy. Her turn." I laughed knowing he meant that he wanted Jess to take him since I already did. Tomorrow was Jessica's birthday so I decided to take them both to dinner since Zach had a play date all day tomorrow. "Let's go Bud." I said picking him up. Jess shut the door and followed behind me. He walked to the boardwalk and went to eat. After we ordered I went to the cashier to order a cake for her birthday.

Jessica's POV~

We ordered and I saw Cameron head towards the cashier. He started talking to her and laughing. I got upset because he knew I was here and he's flirting with some girl. After his wife is in the same room. I decided to just take my mind off of it. "Hey Zach what're playing there." "Flappy Bird. It's really hard." "Just keep trying sweetheart." I said as he continued playing my phone. I saw Cameron head back over to the table. "Hey Babe." "Hey." I looked down at Zach playing. "What's going on?" "You and the cashier." "It was nothing. I promise." "Laughing and flirting was nothing? Okay." I ignored him and we got our food. "Honey give me my phone you're about to eat." "Okay mommy." He handed it over and ate. "Jess. I'm serious. It was nothing." I just continued eating. "Daddy what's wrong?" "Nothing Bud. Just keep eating." He kept eating as I saw him look down. "What's wrong Zach?" "I'm sad. Because mommy don't like daddy." "Zach that's not true. I like Daddy. I'm not sure if Daddy likes Mommy though." "Jess! Why would you say that?!" "Because it's true." "No it's not Babe."

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