Chapter 32

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Jessica's POV~

"I still love you Jess." We were done eating as people started clapping and singing happy Birthday. "This is what I was doing for you." He said angry getting up and going to the bathroom. I screwed up. But why was he laughing and stuff if he was just asking for a cake. He came back. "Daddy I want cake." "Alright I'll give you a piece." He said feeding him. I got up and hugged him. "I'm sorry babe. I just got jealous because you were talking to her and laughing." "It's ok babe. I love you Jess." "Love you too babe. Thanks." He nodded and gave me a kiss. "Mommy love daddy?" "Yeah. Daddy love mommy too." Cameron responded. We ate the cake and went to the boardwalk to play games. We won a couple things for Zach and he fell asleep on Cameron's shoulder so we headed home. "Remember when we were those kids?" I said pointing to a group of teenagers. "Yeah. It was fun but look where we're at now. We're a married couple with this little guy." "Yeah. I love you both." I said as I kissed Zach. We got home and laid him in his bed. Cameron and I watched movies downstairs for a while until we fell asleep. I woke up the next morning around 9:30. I went upstairs to a sleeping Zach. "Wake up Zach." He groaned but woke up with messy hair. "Hey there little guy." I said carrying him. I decided to give him a bath before dropping him off at Noah's house(his friend) I was halfway bathing him as Cam woke up. "Oh hey Bud. You ready for your play date today? Happy Birthday Jess." "Yes Daddy. And happy birfday mommy." He said smiling. "Thanks Zach. Thanks Babe." He went into Zach's room to get clothes out. We dressed him and I showered as Zach and Cameron hung out for a bit.

Cameron's POV~

"So Zach. You know how it's Mommy's birthday right?" "Yes daddy." "Well I wanted you to sign this card for Mommy. I'll help you. Just like school ok Bud?" "Yes Daddy." He said as I got the pen. I held his hand as he signed Zac. "Bud. You spelled you name wrong silly." I helped him add the H to the end and I wrote a note inside.

~Happy Birthday Mommy from Zach and Daddy. We love you Lots. Enjoy your day.~

I shut it and left it on the counter. She got out the shower so I got in. I got out and saw Zach and Jess playing. I was happy to have her as a wife and the mother of my child. I changed and headed downstairs. "Hey Babe. We can go drop him off now. But before we go." I said getting the card. I took Zach from her arms as she read the letter out loud. "Aww thanks Zach. Thanks Love." "Love you mommy." "Love you too." She said kissing his forehead. We dropped him off and headed to IHOP for breakfast. I invited Lox and Jacob since I became close friends with him and Jess was best friends with Lox. We met them there. Jess got excited as we approached the booth they were sitting at. We gave each other hugs and sat down. "Happy Birthday Jess." Lox said. "Thanks Guys." We ate and went to the movies.

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