Chapter 25

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Jessica's POV~

"What do you mean evidence?" Cameron whispered in my ear. I got my earphones and plugged them in. I played the recording as everyone watched us. "Are you serious?" Cameron said as he chuckled. He finished listening to it and went to the bathroom. We continued the game. "Ok my turn." I said looking around the circle. I knew Mahogany liked Jack G. So to get back at Carter for the mean things he said About her I was going to dare her. "Mahogany. Truth or dare?" "Dare." "Ok. I dare you to go in the room next door with Jack G... For 20 minutes." She didn't resist she grabbed his hand and took him next door. After they left. "What the hell? They're not gonna do anything she's my girlfriend." Carter said as Cameron walked out the bathroom. "Yeah. But did you know she's liked Jack for a while?" As I said that he went to open the door to the room next door but they were both locked. I unplugged the earphones and let the recording play out loud. "I told you to stop it!!" Carter yelled as he walked up to me,leaned down, and slapped me. Then and there Cameron punched Carter. "What the hell? You don't slap a girl Carter! You shouldn't even lay your hands on her." He said as he went to punch him again but Nash split them up. I walked out the room and walked into Cameron and mine. I went to the bathroom to try and sooth the redness on my cheek. Cameron walked in "Are you ok?" "Yeah I guess. Thanks for sticking up for me." "Yeah. No problem babe." I changed into shorts and went to bed. I laid my head down on Cameron's shoulder. "I'm glad we're moving in together Jess." "Yeah me too. Love You Babe. Goodnight." "Night. Love You Too." We heard yelling from Taylor's room since they were still playing. We rushed over and saw Jack and Carter fighting. "What the fuck she's my girlfriend Jack!" "I didn't kiss her she kissed me Carter!" They started fighting and Mahogany was yelling for them to stop. Cameron went in and held Jack back as Nash held Carter back. I mouthed the words 'I told you so.' To Carter as he was let go he stormed out the room. "Jack are you ok?" I said looking at his bruise. "Yeah just a bruise. Thanks though Jess." "Yeah no problem. Goodnight guys!" I said as Cameron grabbed me by the waist and we headed back to our room. We laid down and we fell asleep, again. We woke up to knocking on the door. I opened it and saw Taylor. "Hey Tay." "Hey Jess. The guys are going to breakfast. Carter's staying so I don't know if you guys want to go." "Um. Yeah sure just let us get ready." He nodded and walked towards his room. I woke Cameron up and told him to get dressed. "Wake up and get dressed the guys are going to breakfast." "Ok fine." He said in his raspy morning voice. I changed into jean shorts and a crop top. With matching vans with Cameron. After we got dressed we headed to Nash's room where everyone was at. We were all ready so he headed to the diner down the street. We took up like 4 tables to sit everyone down but I sat next to Cameron and Jack G.

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