Chapter 33

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Jessica's POV~

I was having a great time with my friends. I miss my little man but it's fun because I don't get to hang out a lot because I'm always home with Zach. We went to the movies and went to see 'The Fault In Our Stars'. I sat in between Lox and Cameron. Throughout the movie I saw Cameron get tears in his eyes. "Aww. Babe are you crying?" "No. Not at all Jess. I don't cry." We all laughed at continued watching the movie. The movie ended at around 2:30. "Hey you guys wanna go bowling?" Jacob recommended. "Yeah sure!" We all said. We headed to the bowling alley. It was my turn and Cameron was behind waiting for his turn. I went to swing as I slipped and fell into Cameron's arms. "Thanks Babe. For saving me." "No problem babe. Glad you're okay." He said lifting me back up and giving me a kiss. Everyone seemed to be watching because all I heard was 'awws' we went back to bowling. We left and ate lunch at Panera bread at around 3:30. We ate and went home. We got home at around 5:00. "Hey Babe I made reservations at a restaurant at 6:30." "Oh. Okay. I'll be upstairs changing." He nodded and sat on the couch. His closet was basically a room across the hall so he wouldn't have to come in. I was all ready at around 6:00 I walked downstairs and saw Cameron in a tux. "Wow. Babe you look beautiful." "Thanks. Haven't seen that tux since our wedding." We laughed and headed to dinner. It was a fancy restaurant on the beach. We ate while we watched the sunset. It was beautiful. We finished eating and walked on the beach. "Today's been great. Thanks Cam." "No problem Beautiful. Anything for you." He said as he tightened my hand in his. "I miss the old times." "Yeah me too. But we're in a better place now without all the drama. And the guys said that they were going to visit us soon." "Oh. Great. When?" "Probably tomorrow night." "Oh okay." We walked back to the car. We had a little Makeout session before going home. He was driving until a truck ran a red light.

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