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Kurt has been at Dalton for a while now, and he couldn't be happier. Without the looming threat of being bullied, his grades are thriving and he doesn't have a roommate, being a transfer student, which makes it extremely easy to make out with Blaine and not get caught.

That's another reason why Dalton Academy is so great- Blaine. Just thinking about his name gives Kurt shivers. Blaine is Kurt's extremely cheerful and handsome boyfriend, head of the Warblers and adored by every teacher. Kurt considers himself extremely lucky to have Blaine to call his own, and Blaine thinks the same way. They are a match made in heaven, and they are determined that nothing will get in the way.

Kurt is in the middle of history class when this is challenged.

"Kurt Hummel, please make your way to the Dean's office and bring your bag with you."

Kurt nervously makes his way to the office, not sure what they need him for. He knocks on the door. "Kurt? Please come in." The Dean says pleasantly.

Kurt walks in and sees a charming dark-haired boy with gray eyes sitting in a chair in front of the Dean's desk.

"Kurt, this is Skylar, our newest student. I figured that since you have no roommate and are a transfer student yourself, you could show him around and teach him some tricks to settle in and learn his way around. So, Skylar, this is Kurt, your roommate."

Kurt smiled warmly and stuck out his hand. "Pleasure."

Skylar returned his smile and shook his hand. "Likewise."

"Well, both of you boys are excused from your classes for the rest of the day." The Dean said, dismissing them.

Kurt and Skylar left the office and Kurt began the tour. Skylar seemed perfectly friendly, and eventually they reached their dorm room. "Well, this is it. Room 5, which is engraved in your key. If you ever lose your key or lock it inside your room, just come find me and I'll let you in," Kurt said, opening the door.

"Wow, this is a big room. So it's only us that have keys?" Skylar asked.

Something about the boy's phrasing unsettled Kurt. "Yes, well, the school has an extra key for every room for emergencies only, but other than that there are only two keys. Anyway," Kurt said, eager to change to subject, "before you pack we should head down for dinner. I don't know about you but I'm starving and I promised my boyfriend I would meet him down there since I wasn't in class."

"You're gay?" Skylar asked, turning to Kurt with an unreadable expression on his face. Happy, maybe?

"Yes, I trust that won't be a problem?" Kurt said, very much on edge by the look in the boy's eyes.

"No, it would never be a problem." The boy smirked slightly. "Far from it. I'm also gay."

Kurt didn't like the hungry look in his eyes. "Anyway, dinner!" He said, rushing out of the room.

Gray Skies Ahead (Skies Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now