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A few hours later, Kurt went to the dining hall after changing and showering, figuring Blaine would be waiting for him.

He was right, of course, Blaine looked extremely worried and ran up to Kurt when he saw him. "Hey! Where were you? I dropped by your room but Skylar said you had left before he woke up, so I checked here and you weren't here!" Blaine said in a rush.

Kurt laughed. "Calm down, Blaine, I just went for a run."

"A run?" Blaine furrowed his eyebrows. "But you never go for runs."

"Yeah, but there are no mandatory PE classes at Dalton so I have to get exercise somewhere. You know how much I hate PE, I'm not going to take it voluntarily." This wasn't exactly a lie, but more of a semi-true statement to stop Blaine from worrying.

"Oh, that makes sense. Want some breakfast?" Blaine asked.

"Uh, no thank you. I already ate." Kurt lied.

"Do you want a second breakfast?"

Kurt laughed and shook his head. "Come on, lets go get you your cronuts."

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