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By the time the movie ended, Kurt was the only one awake. He looked around and noticed this, gently shaking Blaine awake.

"Hey, Blaine, honey, wake up." He said softly.

After he successfully woke up Blaine, they set out to wake up the other boys. Kurt noticed Sebastian and Skylar's, er, compromising position and figured he was in the clear, judging on what Skylar's hand appeared to be wrapped around.

When Kurt and Skylar headed up to their dorm, Kurt learned that he couldn't be more wrong.

Skylar walked into the room, locking the door behind him. "Hey sexy." He said quietly, smirking.

"B-but I though you and Sebastian..?" Kurt asked, confused and nervous.

"Sebastian isn't all that good looking, unlike you. He's also not my roommate- we can do so anything without detection in here. And you're weak, so I know you will do whatever I say." Kurt hated how true the boy's words were. He was weak, he was afraid, after all, that's why he transferred. He gulped, feeling sick about the position he had gotten himself into.

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