Chapter 13 Alexis's P.O.V

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This chapter is dedicated to
For voting on my chapters!

Domestic abuse

At the end so if u can not handle any of that please skip the end of the book to
the picture 📷

Anyways Hope you enjoy this chapter!! Also listen to-
Boys like you- By it's Fancy ft: Meghan Trainor and Ariana Grande!



I somehow ended up 'back to my body' when I hear dad flip out.

"Calm dad down!" Rylee's worried voice ran through my head.

" Are you serious?!" my dad said as he turned all stiff and red in the face while his eyes flashed a coal black.

" Daddy?, Are you okay?" I ask as I lean my head on his tensed shoulder.

He instantly calms under my touch and pulls me into his side and makes a purring sound when I whisper "I love you Daddy" to him.

Mom joins the hug which leads to us just hugging for what seems like eternity but in reality it was just a couple minutes.

Finally after a little bit of struggle I pulled away. " Dad why did I not know what we were?" I ask as I stand up and pace the living room in front of my parents who seem to be think of a way to tell me.

At least they should be!

" Sweetie remember Zeke?" my mom ask.


I haven't heard from him since we moved next door to Tilly.

"Yea?" I ask.

" Well pup he hurt you." my dad says and as soon as he does I get what seems like a book of memories from eighth grade when I started to pursue my crush on Zeke.

*Flashback to four years ago*

This is it.

We're turning thirteen tonight.

Tilly at eleven-thirty and
Me at eleven-twenty nine.

Tilly and I have been waiting for this for as long as I can remember.

Tonight I'm gonna confess my love for Zeke.

Him and Tilly and I have been friends since we were four.

I guess that's what's supposed to happen to friends who have known each other for their whole life's.

They fall in love.

Well I mean I hope that's the case for me and Zeke.

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