Chapter 7

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"Hey, Annaliese! I see you've met Daisy. I hope she's not being too pessimistic for you, Daisy."

"I am not being pessimistic! You were being an ass. Do you have an apology, or are you just here to officially ruin my day?"

"Relax, I'm sorry. I didn't really come here for you though. Hey Daisy, would you be up for a movie? I've been wanting to watch something."

"Sure, but only if my Annaliese can come."

"I am not going! Forget it, Daisy. I am not going anywhere with Alessandro or Liam."

"You're almost starting to break my heart, Princess. Look, Annaliese, I'll do anything that you want to do tomorrow. I actually do want to make this up to you."




"Yes, Annaliese, anything."


"Shut up, I'll end you! And I'll make it look like a bloody accident too."

"Deal! But, I'm not going to a movie. I'm having a girls' night with my new friend."


"Too bad!" I grab Daisy's arm and run inside.

Once the door closed Daisy asked, "Why'd you do that?"

"I just wanted to get to know you. Plus I'm done with talking to Liam and seeing his mute."

"You know they are both great guys?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. Do you have the hots for someone? You seemed kind of cuddly with Liam."

"No, Liam is just a close friend. We tried dating as young teens; it was a mess. We just are much better as friends than anything else. What about you, Ms.Hater? Do you have any crushes?"

"I don't like Alexander nor Liam."

Daisy starts to smile. "I didn't mention them; I was just meaning do you like anyone in particular?"

"Oh, no. I haven't really ever focused on guys. I just thought that I'd focus on school and getting over my dad. Eventually I'll be ready to open myself up."

"I heard about your dad, I'm sorry. You know, boys are great and all but self-love is better. Loving yourself is the best gift that you can give yourself. I went through a rough patch a few years back, and I settled. I settled with boys using me. I settled with my hatred for myself. I was raised to believe that my virginity was so sacred that once I gave it up, I was nothing. Don't get me wrong, virginity is sacred, but not too the point that I'm nothing without it. You've heard about the porcelain doll analogy, right?" I shake my head. "Well, basically girls are porcelain dolls. Our virginity is the box. Once you open the box it can never be resealed. The doll has lost value. Whenever I gave my virginity to a boy at my school he mocked me. He told all his friends about how easy I was to seduce and that I'm a worthless slut. I was so broken. The guy who I thought I loved and had shared such an intimate act with, berated me. I shut myself down. My mom noticed the difference in me. She asked if I had been intimate. I had confirmed her suspicions. She mentioned the doll analogy, but she explains more. She told me that I did not lose value, because I am priceless. She said that I made a binding of my soul with him, because everyone has a tie to anyone that they've been intimate with. She told me that the box in the analogy is old an outdated. I am just as worthy and priceless now as I was before. I am still her daughter; I am still Daisy. After that I started living for me. I quit caring about rumours. I fell in love with myself. I then started making better friends who wouldn't join in on the rumours. I met Alexander through Liam, who was already my friend. Alexander helped keep me grounded. He and Liam started making the rumours stop. They were my friends through it all. I'm sorry, this fells like a complete over-share."

"Oh, you're fine. I know what you mean. My mom told me about how my dad was her first and that she was dumb. She begs me to not follow in her footsteps. She says that my dad was a good man and she was just too selfish to realise."

"What do you think, do you miss your dad?"

"It's hard to miss what you never had."

"I'm sorry again."

"No, it's okay. My stepdad has been there since the day I was born. He was actually the doctor that delivered me. He was a perfect dad."

I looked at the time. It's 12 am already. Daisy and I had already been at my house for five hours. We are both in our PJ's; as we were talking we both had gotten changed. We're both currently laying on my bed.



"Do you think about your dad?"

"Every day." And with that my eyes became too heavy to keep open.

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