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Johnson-  im so glad your back

Gilinsky- yea! I think you and I need to talk.

Hayden- I dont,  :)

Sam- whelp

Nate- denied

Hayes- oof bro


Gilinsky & Hayden-

Gilinsky-  we need to talk..

Hayden- do we thou?  Or could you just leave me alone?

Gilinsky-  no, look i know what I did was wrong... But babe I didn't mean for her to kiss me.

Hayden- so im guessing you didnt mean to lie to me to where you were going,  lie to me on who you were with, lie to me that you were over her! Right? 

Gilinsky-  I am sorry baby...

Hayden- dont "baby" me


Samwilks- heyoooo

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Samwilks- heyoooo



Stassie- my baby😍😍😍

Gilinsky-  hmu bro

Hayden- my best friends killinnn ittttttt!!!!😍❤😘

Samwilks- @Hayden ❤❤

Stassie-  back off bitch @hayden



Nate - im flying out to NYC anyone wanna join me?

Sam- sure!

Hayes- can't

Nash-  can't

Johnson-  cant

Glinsky-  sure

Hayden- sure

Taylor- sure

Nate- okay so Hayden, Taylor, g, Sam ? Correct?

Hayden-  oui!

Nate - k we leave tomorrow. Meet me at the airport at 4am

Hayden's pov-

I go home and quickly begin to pack. I get clothes, makeup, skincare stuff, things for the airplane ect. And realize G, Sam , and Nate, all my crushes are gonna be there. And yes I know. I shouldnt  like g but feelings dont just go away.


Nate & hayden-

Hayden- can I stay at your house tonight?

Nate-  sure

Hayden-  k b there around 7pm

I get all my stuff and get it in the car. Put my phone on the aux cord and head over to Nate and Sam's. "Sup bitches" I say walking in. Nate was in the kitchen cooking and Sam was on his phone on the couch.  I Throw my stuff down and jump onto the couch."did you bring your bathing suit ?" Sam asked. I nodded. " go put it on. Ill help you bring your stuff to the guest room." he said standing up

I got up and went to the guest room. Sam set my stuff down and walked out to go change. I dug through my suit case and got out my bathing suit. And I threw it on. I went down stairs and saw Sam and Nate in their bathing suits. God they are both so hot.
I walk out back to the pool when ne through me over his shoulder. " Nate! " I yelled "yes?" "put me down " I yelled. And as soon as I did he through me in. " Nathan!" he glared when I called him that.  We all messed around till I got cold and I went in changed into sweats and cleaned up.

I went up to sams room and knocked.  "Hey do you have a sweatshirt i can use?" I asked. "Use or have?" he laughed getting me in his room and walking to his closet. " wholly crap your room is clean! " I laughed he nodded. All I could think about was when we kissed. He handed me it and I through it on. And I went down stairs. I was kinda shocked. Ever since I found out about stasie he stopped showing interest in me. Like even in a friend way. Idk.

I went down stairs and watched lion king and both the boys ended up coming down and watching it with me. I started to slowly fall asleep by the middle of the movie. I woke up next to Nate, his alarm going off at 3:30am. He moaned and got up and went to the bathroom. I sat up kinda confused and flipped on the light. "Good morning. " Nate said walking out of the bathroom. " how did I end up in here?" I asked. "I brought you in here after the movie. "I nodded with a slight smile. I walked out to go grab my things, wake up Sam and head off to the airport. Nate drove. I sat in the back. And Sam sat up front with Nate.

We get there and I have seat B67, Nate has B88 , Sam has B69 which is by me. I get on and of course guess who has seat B68? Gilinsky sit down next to him and he tries to talk but I ignore him and fall asleep till the end of the ride. When we get to NYC we get our rooms figured out. Sam , gilinsky, and me were in a room together and Taylor , Nate and one if nates friends are in the other room. Which I hate this set up.

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