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JackGilinsky- were just f • r • i • e • n • d • sLikes- taylorcaniff, Hayden and 3K others liked your photo

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JackGilinsky- were just f • r • i • e • n • d • s

Likes- taylorcaniff, Hayden and 3K others liked your photo

User69 : we can be more than friends baby
Taylorcaniff: bro you cheated...
Reply- ya well so did he. But he got her.
Samwilks: bro don't even. You hurt her multiple times .
Reply- but I love her more that you ever know.
Madisonbeer: you're all mine.
Reply: no I'm not fuck off
Hayden- boys Ik there has been a lot of drama and I honestly have been in the middle of it all and I'm sick of it. You boys have used me, cheated on me and a lot of things so honestly as of right now yes I want to go back on what I said. I love all of you but I don't want to date right now. You boys need to check your selves. I'm tired of this feeling.

Sam- you really just breaking up with me. Wow.

Gilinsky- baby just come back I'll show you what a real should treat you like. I've changed

Taylor- no you haven't!

Nate- good for you baby girl.

Message form Hayden to Nate

Hayden- wanna hang Nate?

Nate- sure. Be there in 10
It's obvious that I've been crying. I go up stairs and begin to clean up. I missed Nathan. He is like my best friend who I haven't had crap with but I'm sure that will change cause my feelings haven't changed.
I hear a knock and a door open. I run down stairs and see Sam. "What are you doing here. Leave. Please." " Hayden you can't just bail on me when times are hard. I told you I wouldn't hurt you an-" " and then you did Sam! Then you did. When you talk to a girl you don't talk like that to 3 other girls!" "It was one! I'm sorry"  my eyes begin to burn and my body becomes numb. "Leave." Is all I could get out. Then Nate comes in and sees me crying. "What the hell man what's going on?" He says quickly. " I came to talk to her and she couldn't just dip on me." " all you do is hurt me sam! Leave now" I yell. He shakes his head and walks out and just before he says bitch and before I know it nates hand is flying at sams face and they are beating one another. I cry harder yelling for them to stop but they are beating each other as hard as they could.
I quickly run and grab my phone and call Taylor and with in 5 min he came in and split them up demanding them both to go get washed up and leave.
Taylor hugs me and I go to check on them. I walk first up stairs to Sam, I knock lightly and crack open the door. His face is bloody and his eyes start to water as soon as he sees me. I step in and grab the wash cloth from his hand and run it under cold water. I lightly start to clean his face up. Whipping blood from his face and hands . His hand looked messed up. I look up and he is already staring, " I um... think you might have broke your hand.." I say. It took all I had to not cry. To not kiss him, hug him, I love him but it's too much. I grab some thing to wrap around his hand and tell him I'll tale him to the hospital in just a minute and to go wait on my bed. He nods.
I go down stairs and check on Nate in my other bathroom. I again knocked lightly and cracked open the door, I could see the anger in his eyes.  I go in and start helping him wipe up the blood and clean him up. "I have always been in love with you... and I know you're going through a lot and right now isn't the time to tell you but.." I smile as lm looking down examining his hands too. "I love you too.. and yeah I love to many people ... that's the issue. I've been madly in love with the three of you forever." I say softly. "Be with me." He says . "Not now Nathan. What I want you to do is go lay down on the bed in the guest room. I have to take Sam to the hospital. After I leave you can go up to my room. Watch something. Relax. I don't want you going anywhere okay?" He nods. " I will be back after I take him to the hospital. Then we can hang. You better be there." I smile as I walk out. I kiss his cheek and go get sam we he's to the car, Taylor drives. I say in the back with Sam . When we get there they make us wait for 20 minutes until he goes and gets an x ray. After we wait a good amount to be told it's broke. Then we wait as he gets a cast and stuff. They want to keep him over night  because he lost a lot of blood. I tell him after a while of hanging out I'm gonna head home. I kiss him on his cheek, " love you." I say out of habit "oh um.." I say. he smiles " I love you". Taylor drives me home and I say good by and head inside. I get some popcorn out and begin to make it when I feel two hands wrap around my waist . I jump but he pulls me closer and Ik it's Nate. "Nate! You scared me!" I smile and turn around. He smiles and pulls me in to a big hug. "Whatcha doin?" He asks letting go of me. " I was about to make popcorn so we can watch a movie in my room. Where you're supposed to be." I say. " you were gone for so long I was getting anxious!" I nod. I poor the warm popcorn into a bowl and we head upstairs.
Scrolling for a movie we chose a good one and cuddle. I love this. We fall asleep.
The next morning I wake up and Nate was gone. "Nathan?" I said walking down stairs but his car was gone to.. I look at my phone,

5 missed calls from Sam, Taylor
I call sam, "hey what's up sorry I was sleeping" " I wanted to see how you were doing.." he said " I'm okay I guess. When do you come home?" I asked. " I already am I left early this morning. Can I come over?" "Um... idk I'll let you know in a few" "okay." "Okay bye" "bye"

Texts from Nate and Hayden
Hayden- why'd you leave?

Nate- I had some stuff to do. I'm sorry. And I have a busy day today.

Hayden- it's okay. ❤️

Texts from Hayden to Sam-

Hayden- come on over

Sam- ok

I decide to jump in the shower before he gets here. I pick out a cute outfit that is appropriate and as I got out and got changed I hear a knock. I throw on spandex and a sweatshirt and run down there. "Hey ma" he winks as he walks in. I roll my eyes and decide to not change again. 
He sits on the couch and ask " what do you want to do" I shrug. " Why don't you get all done up for me and I'll take you out to eat. " I hid and begin to walk up stairs " oh and wear something fancy" I nod and go up. I turn on my curling iron and chose a fancy dress and pretty lace bra and panty set. I get makeup do my hair, chose some heals and head back down.
" wow" he smiles as I approach him and pulls me into a hug. I blush. " we got to stop by my house so I can change." "Okay" we had to the car and pull up to sams house about 10 minutes later. I come in and wait for him while watching my favorite movie, the lion king. Once he is done we go to the suppose destination Sam chose.

Hayden- you've arrived to your destination :)

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Hayden- you've arrived to your destination :)

Likes- samwilks, jackJohnson and 300k other

Comments -

Nate- who are you with??

Gilinsky- um wtf ?
Reply- none ya

Stassie- that's my man bitch back off.

Nate- you're really with Sam...


We order and things are finally calm and nice. It's nice to be with sam. Until I feel someone come behind me. I turn and see stassie. " hi baby. Why don't you explain to me why you're with this rat" she scowls. " excuse me?" I say.  "What I'm only saying what is true." "Stassie you need to leave. I broke up with you." " awe you want me to leave already? Why the fun has just begun!" She says walking over to him and sits next to him. " you know you look really sexy in that sammy" she winks moving her hand to the center of his pants fiddling with the top inching her way into them and before I know it my hand was connecting to her face. I went to stand to continue but Sam held my by my waste back.
" we have to ask you to leave right now" the manager comes out and says. We leave back out to sams car and I'm crying. Not cause I'm in pain or regret what I did. Because I am confused on how on feel. Who I should be with. Sam holds me and pulls me to look me in the eyes. Before I know it I smashed my lips to his. I couldn't resist.

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