799 5 3

"Sam.. I love you too." he stopped and turned to look at me. "Im scared now though... And I dont know..." I said. "Hey ma. I won't hurt you. I promise you with my whole life." he said pulling me into hug. "Can we wait a bit to make it official?I need to figure things out with g first.." "yeah.." he said and we started to walk down and get coffee.

We get coffee and travel the city some more and take a bunch of pics.

Hayden - late night adventures with one of my favs

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Hayden - late night adventures with one of my favs



Xdx. Gig- grosses girl like ew

Gilinsky- ooo damn 😍👅also am I a fav?

Samwilks- Babygurl😍😍😍

Nate- ummmm wb me?!?😍

Hayden- Nate of course!!!

Stassie- step off ill get Sam back.

Madisonbeer- agree step off my mans too


A few weeks later

I was sitting on the plane on the way back to LA. Sam was passed out by me when his phone went off. I looked over and it was stassie it said " okay baby girl see you then." I grabbed his phone and started going through the messages and my eyes started to water. We decided to make it official and he was talking with stassie and cheating on me. I scroll up more end see nudes from a day ago. I threw his phone on to him waking him up and went to the bathroom.

I sat with Nate until we got back. I went straight to my apartment and didn't talk to him.

Texts between Sam and hayden-

Sam- Hayden what's going on??


Sam- really?!?

Sam- why won't you talk to me!


Sam- Hayden... You saw the texts... Im sorry...

Hayden- save it. You said you would never fucking hurt me Sam! That you were different.

Sam- hay we didn't even make it official and you did shit with gilinsky.

Hayden- one time after and that was before. God damn it leave me alone for a while okay.

Sam- no. We need to talk.




Taylor- what's upppppp

Nate- drama

Hayes - wdym

Johnson- ????

Nate- before anything Hayden kissed and did stuff with g and then went to Sam and then Sam was still doing stuff with stassie while they had a thing going. Hayden's hurt.

Gilinsky- I still want her... Ok I fucked up but...

Sam- honestly dont we all?? What guy in here doesn't please say it now

Nate- he is right. But..

Sam- but I mean we weren't a thing and nothing was moving forward... If I was just a bit horney.

Hayden- honestly ha im so over this. Okay we were friends and im being dumb forget it.

Sam- okay if you made it official i would have NEVER done it.

Hayden- before everything you didn't really stop talking to stassie and if we are together how will ik if you get horny you won't pull this stuff?!

Nate- good point tbh,....

Sam- ok you have heard this a lot but I will NEVER hurt you again. What can I do for you to be my girl friend. Offically.

Gilinsky- bro she said i might have a chance thou.

Hayden- I said friends g. And ill see how I felt once we were. And okay Sam... I trust you on this...

Johnson- yoooooo aweee

Sam- yes thank you baby, you won't regret it.


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