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I walked into the hotel room , coming from the local corner store.

I went into the bathroom and sat the plastic bag down on the counter , I then turned the bath on.

I put both hands down on the counter and looked at myself in the mirror.

I looked so horrible , the bruises on my face were darkened , and I had bags from staying up late.

I also had marks on my skin , that were never going to go away. Scars.

I ran a hand over my head and sighed. Thinking about my life.

I don't know what I'm going to do. Eventually I'm going to run out of money to pay for this hotel.

I know there's always my grandma , but sometimes your too depressed to even be around others.

I was now feeling even more worse about my abortion. I really damaged a life that could've been brung into this world. At first I was trying to ignore it , because I thought what I was doing was for the best.

I hated everything about this life I was living. Literally. It's like I was cursed.

I wanted it to be over.

I grabbed my necklace. "Here I come daddy".

Grabbing the plastic bag , I pulled out the pack of razors I got and looked at them. Processing what I was about to do.

Tears started to fill my eyes , making vision a little blurry. I took a deep breath and opened the pack.

I took off my clothes , leaving me in my spandex shorts and sports bra. I slowly got into the tub and laid back , relaxing myself.

I looked up at the ceiling , getting my last moments.

I picked up my terribly shaking hand , and turned my wrist around to face me , I then picked up my other hand which held the razor.

I put the blade onto my skin , pressing down.

"Aye kelly , you good? You left the door cracked"

Woowoo walked into the bathroom with a glock in his hand. Once he seen what I was doing he dropped the gun , hurried to me and smacked the blade out of my hand.

"Yo what the fuck man? Is you crazy". He asked lifting me from the tub , getting water everywhere. Including himself.

I bursted into tears , all my tears that was building up were being released.

I sobbed on his shoulder , hugging him my tightest. I could feel his breathing , it was heavy.

He grabbed my face forcing me to look at him , looking all over my face , at my bruises, I could see his anger.

"I wanted to end it all". I cried. "I can't take it nomore".

He caressed my cheek and grabbed my chin , pulling me to his lips. He pecked me one good time , the another time , the third time I bit his lip for he could stay.

He gained control , sticking his warm tongue into my mouth , our tongues danced together as he held his hand around my neck , keeping me in place.

He pulled away and stood up , punching the wall. "What was you thinking? What if I would've never decided to come see you man? You would've been in here gone"

I sat there , looking at the ground , my wrist was bleeding , but I didn't cut deep enough to the point blood was gushing.

He looked at me. "Come on dawg, let's get you cleaned up".


After a shower , Woowoo offered to lotion me down.

I wore some shorts and a white T-shirt , I was sitting on the bed and he was on the ground putting lotion on my legs.

He studied my bruises. "Swear on my life I'm gone kill that dude". He said out of nowhere.

I shook my head. "No prince..don't risk your freedom for him".

"Man kelly shut up. I'm not listening to you. Look what he did , it look like he tortured yo ass. You got whelps and shit. This unacceptable mane".

As bad as I wanted a comeback for that , I didn't have one. Instead I just stayed quiet.

"I don't know what I was thinking..I guess I just wanted everything to be over. I didn't think about the consequences and hurt I'd put on others. I was too busy on trying to take my pain away".

Prince finished my legs and sat next to me on the bed. "I can't lose you , nick can't lose you , Courtney can't lose you , your grandma can't lose you , shit even warren can't lose you. We all love you. You forgetting you got people out here that'll do anything for you".

I put my head on his shoulder and sighed. "I'm sorry".

"Don't be sorry , be carful". He chuckled. I smiled and grabbed his hand. "What made you come here?" 

"Well..Courtney had sent me the information yesterday , she said she thought I should come talk to you. So here I am".

"You know I love you right?"  He asked. I sat up from his shoulder and looked at him. "Yeah..I love you too.."

"Nah..forreal...I been thinking , I've been tryna hide the fact I want you so I been with Jenny. But she not where I wanna be. You know?"

I gulped and started to play with my fingers. "Where is it at then?" 

"With you".

After hearing that it's like something happened to me. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to me , crashing my lips onto his.

I pushed him down and climbed on top of him , straddling him. He put his hands on my love handles , as I began grinding slowly.

My tongue swirled my tongue in his mouth , having full control of the kiss. He sat up and stood up , picking me up.

I wrapped my eyes around his torso and leaned my head back as he began to kiss my neck, leaving passion marks.

He turned around and laid me on the bed, pulling my shirt off, the continuing to kiss me.

This time going from my neck all the way down until he reached my shorts. I caught chills as he got closer to my treasure box.

He looked me in my eyes. "You want it?" 

I nodded while biting my lip."I want all of it"

This is just a fill! Do not hit me with that "this too short". Cause it's just a filler babies, enjoy

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