louis on the road

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5 lads....putting together....make a world famous band...
Louis Tomlinson
Zayn Malik
Liam Payne
Niall Horan
Harry Styles
All performing as solo singers in their auditions in the x factor....
They didn't make it out as solo
So Simon Cowell made a very good decision for the first time (in his 80 years life 😂👌) and make them a band ....
this is how one direction came out alive...

Louis Tomlinson 19 years old ...
Zayn Malik,Liam Payne,Niall Horan 17 years old ...
Harry Styles 16 years old ...

Louis is the leader
Zayn is the high note guy
Liam is the background voice guy
Niall is the Irish guy
And Harry is the one who named the band


Louis pov
Now I'm so sure they will come today
And I'll say welcome to them
Ok 25 minutes and my performance begin...they should be on the time... WTF !
I miss them so much ... I wish Zayn will change his mind... I want to see them all together again...
I want to hug them like how we used to do before our performances start ... Will they show up in the time ?! ... I hope Liam is in charge of makin' them all show up now...
"are u still here" a voice show up from no where
"Who ?"
"Ohh so u forgot ur best friend's voice ! didn't u ?" The voice replay
"Sorry ?! But I'm too nervous to figure which voice is this for ? Which seems no one of my best friend's voice ! "
"WTH you juss did not say that ! Did u ?" A strange figure show up.."whats makes u nervous lou ?!"
"Wait ! I know this note is not strange 4 me !"
"At least I tried 4 u but u seems like u don't want me here !"the shade is comin closer to expose the face that he will never forget...
"What the actual hell is happening here ?!"
"Yeeeh lou I know it's been a long time" the cheeky man hug him
"Zayn u son of the gun where had u been ? I send u 100 massages every day off ! but u never replied ! And what in the hell happened to ur cute , lovely voice and face !? ... man r u ok !? And your assistant told me u can't come today I can't believe that u are here now mann ! I really missed you !"
"Catch your breath man ! 1 step at a time !"said Zayn trying to make lou feel comfortable "I'll try to expose every thing later the important is u !.... now go ahead and show them who is Louis Tomlinson... I know u will never drag us down ! I'll watch u on the tv .... coz I have important thing to do ... Catch you later !"said zayn with a step back
"Expose what man ?! U got me all worried ! What ? When ? Who ? Why ? And wait ! U r going nowhere till our friends are here !"
"I'm so sorry lou ! I don't even think our friends are coming ! I'll catch you later I promise" zayn is disappearing in the dark room out of the doors waving goodbye 4 louis who is standing there so confused ....
"I wish u good luck man " zayn's voice over the hallway shows 4 the last time
There still 15 minutes till my audition begin..
Where is the lads ?
What the heck is going on ?
The lads told zayn they are not coming ?
This don't feel right !
What I'm goin' to do ?
Should I cancel the performance ?
I wonder what is in Zayn's head !
A voice of steeps....someone but his hand on louis shoulder to turn him around....
"Liam !"
" yeh man it's Liam ! 😞"
"Where in the hell u have been to ?! And where is the others for hell sake !"
"I'm sorry lou but I did not see or text anyone of them !" Said Liam
"Is there is a way in the hell to make this not horror moment ! Why the duck are u sad ! Is every body designed today to make me freak out"
"Chillax lou ! I'm not sad bcoz of something like that ! I juss felt that I saw someone I really missed...but I think thats no one anyway ! .... so tell me r u prepared !?"Liam trying to convince him
"I feel good now that u r here !"
"Ohh ! my lou ! what u gonna do ! without me her with u ! oh no thank u !" Chuckling liam
"U D head ! don't u dream imma thanking you ! .... so plz shut upp Liam !... "
"Louis Tomlinson" the host calling him
I'm going to perform now ! I walk two steps from Liam when he shouted...
"Hey relax imma kidding...I wish u good luck man !"
Oh really now I know why the fans call this thing ziam ...
But nothing will change the fact that they are not real any more as long as they are separated !
Steve is on the stage I gotta show up now !
No one of the two guys show up till now really !?
Well lets say I knew Harry won't show up !...
But !..
Niall ! Really !? Ok probably he is hungry so he is juss resting in a restaurant ! Ok I'll kill him if this true coz he can f___ing eat while imma performing ....ok sure coz his food is more important than his friend whose mother had died before 2 days !....
Ok this is not Niall for sure...!
Something is happening behind me...!
I think liam saw zayn and zayn told him something made him sad ...!
I don't believe u liam..
"And now with Louis Tomlinson and Steve aoki and their new released song...just hold on !" The host presenting Louis and Steve
Wish that u can build a time machine
So u could see the things no one can see
Darling just hold on !
Is that Niall ? Ok imma coming ma man !
Do u wnt me to write the lyrics to the song or juss do what I did ?
Plz tell me on the comments !
Thanx for reading !
Keep in touch for the news..❤☯✝⛳🍕🚬☠

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