ok .. I'm doing this for you lads .. and only you ..!!

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Louis pov
I can't believe it ..
did he really say that ..
well I'm happy that his album is coming soon
also .. ZAYN : from 1d days .........
I think someone hacked his Instagram account..!!
or he really missed us
sometimes I feel like his management are no better than modest ..
they can be harmful sometimes..!
like .. I know ZAYN well .. actually very well .. this dude won't say that he and Harry
" nEvEr ReAlLy SpOoKeD "
and in the same interview he'd say that Harry used to tell him his secrets !!
I can't believe this lad .. !
I know well that he is forced to say that !
as when he was forced to say things while he was in one direction with us !!
his face carry the same expressions ..!
and I have saved this expression since they start to force us on saying wrong things ..!
actually .. everybody knew that ZAYN was forced to say that .. because of our very old deal ..
" ZAYN I know you don't wanna lie to the fans or to your self either..! but try for me once or they gonna do something bad to us .. and y'know them...!
they might break 1d if we didn't say what they want .. and you don't want us to be done before the end of the 5 years.. don't ya ??! " Liam talking to ZAYN .. after the last thing we've heard of the management about lying to the fans in the interviews .. or giving wrong informations about us ..
" I know well Liam .. if we obeyed them orders .. they gonna use us .. they gonna break us either way .. we shouldn't make them take a hold on us .. we should be strong for our fans .. ! " ZAYN said
" oh boy .. you juss said it ..!
we have to be strong for our fans .. they need us to be 1d for them .. y'know that they won't love it if 1d get a part .. they'd do
the world war 3
every body know how strong the directioners are !
so please ZAYN think about it .. we don't wanna hurt them .. or make them upset.. they deserve everything from us .. let's give them us being together and do whatever shit the management want us to do ..! " Niall said to ZAYN when we were all sitting and talking about what gonna happen next ..
y'know what .. ! I'm actually with ZAYN on that .. I don't wanna obey the bloody management .. and I don't wanna lie to the fans .. I mean .. you guyz said it .. !! they deserve everything from us right !!
how you want me to lie .. they don't deserve that .. they deserve to know the truth about everything in our lives .. they are the reason that we are here .. so let's give them the reason to stay with us .. not push them away from us ..! "
" look Louis I know you hate the rules and all.. and you never followed them anyways .. so why don't we create our own language ..?!
like we would say that shit but we would show that we didn't mean it either.. ! " Liam said
" can you show us what do you mean..! " Harry said and add " bcoz I feel like that's gonna work .. ! "
" ok so here is the plan .. ZAYN I know you won't like it .. but plz .. try it .. for our fans .. for our band .. and for our families..! " Liam said looking in ZAYN's eyes to find his agreement ..
after a while of waiting .. ZAYN finally nod it and Liam completed telling the plan
" ZAYN .. I want you to say that you hate me ..! " Liam told ZAYN
" are you crazy ..!? why would I say that ..!? you know what .. I'm out of this ..!! " said ZAYN trying to go out of the room .. then Liam grabbed his arm .. then he made ZAYN sit by his side .. and said .. " wait for it lad ..! I only told you say that .. I didn't say you have to mean what you say ..! I didn't say .. hate me .. then say you hate me ..! dude relax .. you'll be fine .. juss try it .. ! "
" ok .. hmm .. I .. I ... I actually can't say that .. I feel like it's gonna hurt you .. dude .. ask me something else .. ! " ZAYN said and everyone huffed ..
" ok ok I'm gonna ask you to say that .. you have a problem with me then !! plz say it zee it's ok .. i swear I'm not gonna be hurt or upset ok .. I know well that you don't mean it .. how about you ... try to make it obvious that you actually don't mean it ...! in away you know well that the fans won't believe it .. or to make the fans feel that there is something wrong .. !
I believe in you .. and you can do that .. I trust you can ..!  " Liam assured ZAYN with his last words ..
" ok .. I'm doing this for you lads .. and only you ..!! " ZAYN said looking at everyone's face and Niall added " go ahead ZAYN .. you can do it .. "
ZAYN made his head down and his face was focused on his hand that was in his lap .. and commented .. " I have a problem with Liam ..! " his head never lift up and he said it with an obvious annoyed face
" oh God.. that was so obvious .. ! you seemed disgusted of something while saying it .. I think this would work .. if we make it less obvious to the management .. we can start our rehearsing for this .. I'm proud of you ZAYN .. and I'm sorry for making you do that .. against your will .. but I promise you this is for the better .. if it's not for the best .. ok !? now if any one had a problem understanding the plan ..you can juss tell me ! " Liam told us and nobody seemed to refuse .. considering that we have no other choice.. and this is the best idea we have made so far .. hoping that our fans would understand us ..
end of flashback
and that's how I know when there is someone of them lying about something .. that is why we don't reply to the comments that comes from one of us to the other .. we focus on the other's face and know if he mean it or not .. till now .. they didn't mean anyshit .. they are forced to say things .. and I am too .. like dude .. do you believe that I haven't seen dunkirk .. dude .. it's Harry's movie .. it's one of my friends .. yeh I'd lie and say I didn't .. ! bcoz I don't wanna know how some people would act knowing that .. I really don't want any other problems .. and I'm telling you now .. bcoz I'm getting bored of the sick old jokes ..!!
I hope you like it
I actually wrote this chapter with a bit of struggle like .. I know that they say these things about us .. I'm sure of it actually.. but it was a bit of weird to write stuff about us from their pov .. don't you agree ?? bcoz I felt like that .. ahhh.. never mind.. :)

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