Déjà Vu Strikes Again

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Déjà Vu Strikes Again


It had been two weeks since the Romans arrived. Two weeks since one of the Oneiroi appeared. Two weeks since Percy had one of the dreams. Two weeks since Leo went missing.

There was still no sign of him. We had tried sending him an Iris-Message, but it wouldn't work. We had no clue where he could be or when he would be back.

Our game of Capture the Flag had passed. It was the campers vs. the Romans vs. the Amazons vs. Percy's team. Chiron had issued a few new rules to make it more fair for those of us who weren't Primordials, but Percy and his team still won. They managed to capture the other three flags while still guarding their own. It wasn't the same, though. The fighting between the campers and Romans was more aggressive than it had ever been between two cabins, or even between the campers and the Amazons or Hunters.

Chiron had one of the dreams. It wasn't like ours, though. There was no chance of him going mad. It was just a warning. We knew for sure now that Bob was against us, and he really had joined the Oneiroi and Typhon. Typhon still hadn't escaped Tartarus, but Hades had been keeping us posted, and there wasn't much he could do to stop him. The Oneiroi were powerful, and with no clue when or where they would strike next, we couldn't stop them from helping Typhon. He was rising, and he would soon break free and storm Olympus.

One of the interesting and good developments was that Jason and Piper officially became a couple. She was upset the Leo was missing, because they were still close friends. Her mother must have had to do something with it, because soon Jason was comforting her and one thing led to another, and they became inseparable.

I snuggled deeper into Percy's embrace as we sat in cabin three, Poseidon's cabin. We wanted to be alone, so we went in there and Percy made a few changes. A fire crackled in front of us, and a mug of hot chocolate sat in front of me. It wasn't the winter or unnaturally cold, we just needed a little bit of old-fashioned at the time. So much was going on, we just needed to forget about all of it for a while. Percy held me and we just sat there, thinking.

"What are you thinking about?" Percy brushed a strand of hair out of my face and kissed my forehead.

I captured his lips in a short kiss. "Everything. I'm really worried about Leo. He's been gone two weeks. What if--what if he's dead?"

Percy sighed. "I wish I could reassure you, but I can't. I don't know where he is. I can't sense when people die, and Nico and Bianca haven't used their children of Hades powers for so long, that they can't either. But I think that he might be dead."

"Piper's gonna be heartbroken. So will his siblings. When," I sniffled, "When do you think we should burn his shroud?"

"I hope you don't mind, but I figured that he was dead yesterday. And the sooner we burn his shroud and move on, the sooner we can find a way beat the Oneiroi and honor his memory. I arranged with Chiron to burn Leo's shroud in about," Percy thought for a moment, "Ten minutes."

"Oh. Alright." I wiped my nose with a tissue Percy handed me and stood. Percy rose next to me and pulled me into a hug.

"I didn't know him very well but he seemed like a great guy. I'm sorry he's gone. I know you were friends." He muttered into my hair.

"Thank you. Um, if it's okay with you, I want to be with Piper during the ceremony."

"Of course." Percy stepped away from me and held my hand in his. He waved his free hand in the air and the fireplace vanished, along with the mug of hot chocolate. The only evidence of a fire in the salty and ocean-like cabin was a hint of smoke and the smell of chocolate.

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