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                               Airi's POV 
I finally got out the bath tub after being in there for what felt like hours and I got dressed in some clothes I had left over here.

"Tray!" I said walking downstairs. I got no reply. Then I noticed my phone on the coach.

"That's weird" I said to myself. I picked up my phone and called Tray as I sat down on the couch.

" Hello?" Tray says on the other line.

"Hey Tray, where you at?" I asked.

" I'm on a drive, I just got an errand to run. I'll be back by tonight." He says.

"Aight well I'll be at my mom house since she supposed to be coming home today" I said holding the phone in my neck as I tied my shoes.  We said our goodbyes and eventually we hung up. Then I went into our messages and came across a screenshot I don't remember sending.


                             Tray's POV
I had just hung up on Airi and I was pulling up to the nigga house. My hands were shaking as I got closer to the door. Finally I knocked.

This nigga came out with a robe and boxers on with some fake ass Gucci flip flops on.

"Who the fuck is you my nigga?!" The dude said covering himself up. I pushed him into the house and closed the door behind me. I pulled out my gun.

                              Chris' POV
"So explain to me why you're in such a hurry to get to him?" I asked looking at the road but taking glances at Airi's body.

"I can't really give you all the details but a guy did something bad to me and apparently Tray found out and now I'm afraid he might do something he regrets." She says worried as she repeatedly texts Tray.

"Well if he did something bad to you don't you think he'd deserve it. I mean anyone who hurts an angel like you deserves to suffer." I say making her blush and she pulls some of her hair behind her ear.

                             Tray's POV
"Fuck did you do to her, Nigga!" I say pushing the gun to his head.

" We fucked! That's it I swear!" He says begging for his life. I felt a tear run down my eye. I don't want to believe it. I don't want to believe the love of my life gave her virginity to this bummy ass nigga flexing with fake diamond wrist watches. I was ready to pull the trigger and leave this nigga for broke.

                             Airi's POV
We finally got to the house and I told Chris to stay in the car. I got up to the front door and I noticed the door was open a crack, I pushed the door open....


                        (Glass shatters)

I saw Tray sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. The glass coffee table was shattered and the gun was on the floor. The guy who I was with last night was on the floor covering his head. I ran towards Tray and Chris came in running. Before I can reach Tray, the guy grabs me by my collar and holds it up choking me. My eyes water up just looking at his face.

"You crazy bitch! You brought this string bean looking ass nigga in my house?!" I start to shaking my head. "Huh HUH?!" He yells pulling me closer. All of a sudden Tray punches the nigga right in the cheek knocking him to the floor. Him and Chris start beating the crap out of him until I screamed at them yelling to let go. Tray grabs my arm and pulls me to his car. Chris stays behind to make sure the dude doesn't say anything to the cops.

I can see crusted tears on Tray's face as he drives. We finally get to the house and Tray locks the doors.

"So...What happened?" Tray asked turning to me. I look down at my hands as I play with them. Then I build up the courage and look Tray right in his eyes.

" We had sex, Tray." I say.

———————————————————————— OH MY LANTA
How did y'all feel?

Why do you think Airi said that? (Will be revealed next part)

Do you think something might spark between Gilly and Airi?

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