Chapter 10

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-This can't be happening-


'Calm down!" Minho ordered sternly as I paced past him for the 100th time.

I ignored him.

She was out there, alone. Why hadn't she returned?

'Come on Khali, be here when the walls open!' I begged desperately.

"Newt, slim it!" Minho growled as I passed him yet again.

I suddenly whirled on him in a flurry of anger.

"Slim it? Are you not in the slightest bit worried about her?!" I yelled. "She has been out there for two nights! What chance does she have anymore?!"

Minho didn't even flinch.

"Of course I'm worried shuck-face but what good does worrying do?  Nothing... When the walls open our main priority will be to find her but in the mean time, you need to focus on Alby!"

I sighed at Minho's words of wisdom.

"Minho... What happens if we don't find her?" I asked, raking a hand through my hair.

Minho raised an eyebrow.

"We?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I sure as hell ain't staying here. Even if it means venturing into that buggin' Maze!" I replied with ferocity.

Minho sent me a look, raising his eyebrow.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing!" He replied nonchalantly.

I gave him a look before he stood up.

"Looks like we need to sort you out some equipment!"


"Ready?" Minho and the other Runners asked.

"As ready as I'll ever buggin' be!" I replied. My mind was on one thing. She had to be safe. If she died, I literally had nothing left. Surviving the Maze would be meaningless. If she wasn't, well, Dan wouldn't stop me this time.

She is the most experienced Runner. The only person to survive in the Maze alone at night. She was probably just lost and was trying to find an exit.

'You know that's not true!' I thought to myself. 'She couldn't get lost in the Maze and even if she did, she would have run out of energy and supplies by now!'

I shook my head, pleading for her to come back to me safe and sound.

I followed the Runners out into the centre of the Glade, waiting patiently for the walls to open.

After a few minutes, the familiar, bone-shaking noise and vibrations of the walls could be detected.

The Runners began to walk towards the entrance but Minho hung behind to talk to me.

"Listen Newt, you have to prepare yourself! However awful, the truth of the matter is, her chances were slim... If she is-" He gulped. "-gone then you need to-"

There was a yelp. My head whipped round to the noise and I could see the Runners racing to the exit.

"What's going on?" I yelled.

One turned round and shouted,

"A body!"

Immediately my instincts kicked in and I sprinted through the crowd, pushing and shoving my way to the front, Minho close behind.

Be Careful. Don't Die! (The Maze Runner/Newt Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now