Chapter 8

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-So, possible death wish?-

Ben's face replaced the nightmares that night.

After the whole 'ordeal' I found myself curled up beside Thomas under a tree, slowly drifting to sleep.

He was a great source of comfort. It wasn't like being with Newt but we shared some unspoken pact and it resulted in peace and a sense of tranquility that was difficult to find in such situations.

My forehead was aching from the amount of frowing I had been doing recently and Thomas thought it a great idea to point such things out to me.

I laughed for what felt like the first time in ages and then despite having slept for two days straight, the drowsiness had overtaken me.


I awoke with a start.

Thomas and I were sleeping quite close together to keep the warmth but I was aware of a figure standing over us.

It was morning. I had calmed down considerably so when I saw who it was, I felt an enormous amount of guilt.

"Newt, I-"

He shrugged and turned to Tommy who was waking up.

"Newt?" He asked groggily, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"New day Greenie. You'll be with the Track-hoes!" Newt answered.

"What am I doing?" I asked.

He looked at me. Well, not really. Not the same way he used to look at me. It was as if a barrier had sprung between us and he could only see my reflection.

"Escort him!" He replied, turning on his heel, a pained expression on his face.

I wanted to jump up, tell him how sorry I was. I was being a major drama queen yesterday and I needed to explain that I didn't hate him.

'No, in fact, I love him!'

I growled and shook my head, clearing my head of the thoughts that haunted me. What good would it do to dwell on a nonexistent relationship?

"Let's go Tommy!" I smiled, standing up. "Onwards to the vegetation!"


As the day drew on I realised that Alby was missing.

When I asked Zart, he said that Minho and him were out looking for the dead Griever.

"DEAD WHAT NOW?!" I practically screeched.

Typical, you sleep for a few days and suddenly everything falls apart around you.

He told me to be quiet as he explained but I couldn't help getting worried.

Grievers don't just turn up dead. It was a trap. It had to be! I had to find Newt.

I left Thomas with Zart as I raced to find him.

The girl still hadn't woken up yet so I knew he wouldn't be with her.

So where?

I soon found him. He was with the Builders chatting away to Leo who nodded his head at me when I approached.

Newt turned and I could see him sigh.

I walked right up to him, not caring about the awkwardness.

"It's a trap!" I told him bluntly, folding my arms.

The two gave me a quizzical look.

I sighed and beckoned for Newt to follow me.

He did so reluctantly and when we made it to the edge of the Deadheads, I decided it was time to talk.

Be Careful. Don't Die! (The Maze Runner/Newt Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now