Chapter 4

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-Arrival of the fittest-

"Oh jeez!" I groaned as the alarm went off for a newbie.

I was not used to this alarm. Or at least, not this loud.

I was always in the Maze when supplies or a Greenie came so when I returned to the Glade, they would always be here ready.

I swung my legs down from the branch I was perched on and watched as the Gladers gathered round the Box.

I wasn't very far from where they were positioned but I didn't much feel like participating in their excitement.

I saw Alby and Newt arrive and then saw Alby look around, no doubt searching for me.

I sighed and dropped gracefully from the tree, making my way over.

By now, the fact that I was no longer a Runner had travelled fast around the Glade. It was no source of huge excitement to see me there, yet still some Gladers gawked and stared at me as I passed.

Some were checking me out as the perverts so often did and others were whispering to their mates.

"I'm present!" I announced, walking up to Alby and Newt.

Newt grinned and Alby nodded in acknowledgement.

Before I knew it, the grate was slid back and the Gladers all began talking at once.

I watched as a rope was lowered.

Newt and Alby were looking at me expectingly but I was watching the opening to the Maze, wishing I was out there.

Two guards stood at the entrance, placed there to stop me running out like the crazy psychopath I was.

I snapped my attention back to the Box as hands grabbed and clawed at the new kid.

Alby walked up to the box and threw down a rope for the kid to get up on.

I stood back behind the crowd with Newt. Soon enough, with many hands grabbing at his shirt, the new kid was hauled into the crowd. I couldn't see him from where I was stood and I made no attempt to try.

Over the ruckus of the Gladers, I could hear Alby's voice ring through.

"Nice to meet ya Shank! Welcome to the Glade"

"Oh wow!" I sighed sarcastically "Classy!"

Newt bit back a laugh so as not to encourage my foul mood but he couldn't stop the grin forming on his face.

"Look at the Greenbean!" A voice I knew as Gally called out. "Gonna break his shuck neck checkin' out the new digs!"

"Oh shut it Gally!" I growled

He glared at me over the sea of heads. I made a sudden gesture with my arms that caused Newt to grab them and hold them behind my back as Gally took a couple of cautious steps backwards.

"Where am I?" The new kid asked.

His voice wavered slightly, probably from nerves yet there was something scarily familiar.

I froze where I stood.

"Are you okay?" Newt asked.

I nodded quickly and shrugged the feeling off. Newt placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Khali, seriously, you don't look well!" Newt explained, touching my cheek and scanning my face.

"I'm fine!" I shrugged him off. "Just a little tired and all these boys gathered together are making me claustrophobic!"

I was lying immensely of course. I had spent two years with these guys. I knew almost every single one of them and being packed together in the Homestead meant there was no time for being claustrophobic.

Fortunately, Newt didn't press the subject.

Why did I feel like this though? What was so scary about the Greenbean's voice.

I was vaguely aware of Alby and a couple of others speaking but I forced myself into the crowd to try and avoid Newt and Alby.

As I listened, I heard Alby groan in frustration.

"Man, I ain't good at this - you're the first Greanbean since Nick was killed!"

"Tactful!" I muttered, earning a chuckle from Leo who was a Glader stood next to me.

"Alby!" Newt's voice rang out over the crowd. Thank god. He hadn't tried to pursue me as I dove into the sea of boys. "Kid's gonna have a buggin' heart attack, nothin' even been heard yet! Name's Newt, Greenie, and we'd all be right cheery if ya'd forgive out klunk-for-brains new leader here!"

"Pipe it, shuck-face. At least he can understand half my words!" Alby countered.

A few Gladers laughed including Leo and then other leant forward to listen in closer to the conversation.

"So I hear you aren't a Runner anymore!" Leo began, turning his attention to me.

I glowered.

"That's why I'm here!"

"I gathered!" Leo grinned.

"This Greenbean won't last a week!" I sighed as I heard Alby yell at him.

"Well, we all started off like that!" Leo replied.

Leo was the second Glader to be dropped off by the box when it all began so he was somewhat of an oldie like me.

I shrugged in reply.

Suddenly I heard my name being called.

"Khali!" Alby yelled.

I cringed away and ducked my head hoping he couldn't see me.

I looked up at Leo who was grinning evilly at me.

"Don't you dare!" I mouthed.

He laughed and raised his hand.

"She's here!" He yelled at Alby.

I groaned and stood up. The crowd parted and there was a clear pathway leading to Newt and Alby. They had their arms crossed and Newt raised his eyebrow at my attempt to hide.

I rolled my eyes and walked forward not before giving Leo the deadliest look that I could muster and the promise to impale him on the flag pole when I returned.

I saw Alby turn to the Greenie who I couldn't see yet and tell him that I would be looking after him.

"Nice try shuck-face!" Newt sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Slim it!" I growled, elbowing him in the ribs.

"Greenie, this Khali!" Alby introduced.

I looked around and when I saw the Greenie, I nearly fainted.

I can't tell you what happened or why I reacted as I did but all the air whooshed from my lungs and I stumbled backwards.

He was so familiar.

He too looked like he saw a ghost. His face was pale and his eyes were wide.

His mouth opened and formed one word.


Be Careful. Don't Die! (The Maze Runner/Newt Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now