Chapter 14

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-Everything changes-

"Khali, you come with me!" Newt ordered, dragging me away from Thomas. "We may need your help."

I was disorientated as I tried to follow him. What did she mean by saying the Maze was a code?

"Newt..." I gasped, feeling my head go dizzy.

"Are you okay?" He asked, noticing my pale complection.

"Yeah, yeah." I waved off, a tidal of nausea overtaking my stomach.

I followed the others into the Homestead. Jeff rushed down the stairs complaining about how one minute she was there and the next she wasn't.

I rolled my eyes.

"I know where she is!" I sighed, marching out the Homestead again, the others in toe.

I trudged all the way to the Deadheads and scouted the outskirts until I heard two people talking.

"I knew you'd be here." I said, watching them jump at my voice. "You're both so predictable."

"Maddie..." Teresa began.

"Slim it!" I growled, hurt welling in my throat. She had everything to do with Thomas trying to kill me and wasn't to be trusted... especially if she could get inside my head. "My name's not Maddie and I'm not interested in apologies!"

Her eyes flashed with sympathy before Newt arrived, out of breath, and demanding answers.

I skulked away, leaving my presence unnoticed.

A quick walk around the Glade landed me by the Box, unsure of what to do with myself.

Dan was stood by the entrance to the Maze, watching it carefully.

I jogged towards him, unsure of what he was looking at.

"Everything okay shank?" I asked, clapping a hand on his shoulder.

He continued to gawk at the entrance, ignoring me.

"What's wrong?" I asked, moving into his eyeline.

He looked past me, raising a worried hand to his mouth.

"WHAT?" I demanded, turning to look round at the Maze. Was a Griever coming? Had somebody gone out and not returned?

And then I noticed.

"Shuck...." I gasped, standing beside Dan again. "Dan... what time is it?"

He turned to look at me. His expression conveyed it all.

"Oh shuck!" I swore, backing up. "Go tell every Glader who doesn't already know! I'll go find Newt and Alby!"

I sprinted off as fast as my legs would carry me. I dodged Gladers and vaulted fences. Some of them were panicking, others hadn't realised yet.

I soon reached the Deadheads and was unsurprised to see them all still stood there.

I barrelled through them all, finally reaching Newt.

"Is everything okay sunshine?" He asked, quickly noticing my expression.

"No. Look. Time!" I panted, gasping for breath.

"What?" He questioned, looking around at the gathering.

I stamped my foot in frustration. "THE SHUCKIN' WALLS HAVEN'T CLOSED!" I yelled.

"Oh god!" Thomas confirmed, checking his watch.

"It's her fault!" Alby yelled, pointing a shakey finger at Teresa. "Lock her in the Slammer!"

Be Careful. Don't Die! (The Maze Runner/Newt Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now