Chapter 7

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-Things are going down-

I was vaguely aware of thrashing about.

In fact, I could feel my fist connect with something hard yet cushy at the same time so awakening to find Minho sprawled on the floor, clutching his jaw, was not much of a major surprise.

"Shuck it, Khali, you punch like a shuckin' boxer!" Minho grumbled, propping himself up on his elbows.

I paid him no attention.

Cold sweat was trickling down my face and my heart was racing.

It was reoccurring nightmares that had started since I was brought to the Maze. They had been quenched until now and I could feel my panic seep through me like poison.

"Are you okay?" Minho asked suspiciously.

I shivered and shook my head, unable to speak.

I was vaguely aware of the absence of Newt, Thomas and Alby but it didn't bother me seeing as it was time to get up.

Minho was already dressed in his running gear.

"You don't look okay, Khali! Do you want me to find Jeff?" Minho asked, worridly.

I waved him off and stood up.

My legs were shaking but I held my weight and stumbled to the Homestead entrance, gasping for fresh air.

Once outside, I had to shield my eyes from the burning light.

I needed to find Newt.

I stumbled further into the Glade searching for his familiar figure and quickly saw the limping Glader make his way to the Track-hoes wearing his brown vest top.

I sprinted towards him, dodging Gladers left, right and centre.

I was so focused on reaching him that I completely forgot to stop and barrelled headfirst into him.


We collapsed in a pretzal shaped heap on the floor, him groaning as I found myself sprawled across his chest.

"Bloody nora Khali, I would like to keep my bones in their correct number of pieces!" He grumbled. I propped myself up on my elbows and was suddenly aware of how uncomfortably close our faces were. He seemed to notice too and his breathing seemed to hitch.

I gasped and rolled off him.

I leapt to my feet before he even had a chance to stand and was backing away, my earlier need for him dissolving and evaporating.

"Khali?" He asked uncertainly, getting to his feet taking a limpy step forward.

"I-I-" I couldn't form coherent sentences. I was still shaken up from the nightmares and I suddenly remembered how he had been distant with me recently.

"Khali..." He asked again, dropping his pitchfork.

"New-" His name died on my lips as sudden sadness overwhelmed me.

How screwed up is my life? I'm trapped in a maze with boys, memories wiped and absolutely no clue what will happen to us. My only stable thing is Newt. He was my rock but last night showed me just how much I truly rely on him.

And now, he wasn't even constant. I had nothing anymore.

He was limping towards me, concern etched clearly upon his face now.

"Are you okay sunshine?" He asked.

Suddenly, I snapped.

"Don't call me that!" I growled.

Be Careful. Don't Die! (The Maze Runner/Newt Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now