{1}\ \ \White magic./ / /{1}

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Fucking piece of shit, forcing me to ride a horse, CARS WERE INVENTED FOR A FUCKING REASON. Red, the greatest Wiccan in the lands, she's my cousin, I can take to her about my "issue".

After a long painful ride for my balls I reach Reds cave, why doesn't she just get a house? Fucking crackhead. I'm not usually as big of an asshole but my dad (who full willingly knows I'm gay) is trying to arrange me a marriage, luckily I'm such an asshole I get them not to marry me.

I walk in and say. 'What up Red?' She jumps dropping her glass bottle. 'FUCKING PRICK!' I laugh. 'Don't you love me?' She rolls her eyes. 'Fucking douche bag.' I ask. 'Is your spell thing ready?' Red sighs pinching the bridge of her nose. 'Craig. I explained to uncle Thomas and Aunt Laura that. . .' She grabs a plant thing and hits me with it.

My pentagram chest starts glowing as she says. 'First of all, you're a dark user, so any "light" magic that is used on you, will not work. At all. And secondly, even if you got a voodoo queen you wouldn't be "cured" you're always going to be gay. No one can change that.' 

I roll my eyes. 'A voodoo queen does sound reliable.' She hits me again but this time with. . .fucking holy water, I groan. 'Holy water? Really? Got that from that pedophile, priest Bob?' Red nodes. 'Do you know how many kids that guy has done?' I roll my eyes. 'Even Tricia could tell you that.'

She sighs. 'I visited a nearby magic shop, I got you a couple things.' She hands me a bag as I see, dark crystals, pigs blood, dark powder, the ear of an orx and. . . a fucking dildo and butt plug. . .I say. 'Red. . .I swear to god if you weren't the best Wiccan in the land I would kill you.'

Red with one swish wrist movement pushes me up against a wall, she walks up to me laughing. 'Threaten me one more time Craig, you won't live to tell the tale!' I grin looking at her most "precious" of her supplies and set them on fire, she quickly realises me and says. 'No good dark witch thing!' I smirk. 'I'm satan and you know it.' She laughs. 'Only Satan would be as gay as you!' 

I put my hands over my ears. 'Fucking satanist!' She rolls her eyes as her weird magic ball goes off. 'FAG COME OVER HERE NOW!' I run over as she smiles. 'I know what is going to happen to your future!' She covers the ball and laughs. 'Too bad you're not allowed to see it!'

I roll my eyes. 'Whatever, I'm going to go see a voodoo queen.' Red grabs my arm. 'Craig, they're dangerous.' I roll my eyes. 'I just stopped you from strangling me, no one could hurt me.' Red groans grabbing some potions and herbs. 'I'm coming with you if you're visiting a voodoo queen, they're fucking mental.' 

I roll my eyes. 'Fine.' 

Hope you enjoyed? . . Who should the voodoo queen be (They can be a man 

The gay prince. \ \ \Craig X Tweek/ Creek./ / /Where stories live. Discover now