{10}\ \ \Distant village./ / / {10}

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I groan kissing Tweek. 'Please come with me. . .' Tweek shakes his head. 'I need to learn more. . .and plus, it's not like you can take Lilly with you. . .' I kiss him. 'But, Red's coming with me, and so is my best guard. . .please!'

Tweek asks. 'Who will take care of Lilly?' I answer. 'I'll bring her with me! Tricia can take care of her! My mum!' Tweek sighs. 'Craig. . .just go already! I'll take care of her!' I kiss him again and say. 'I'll miss you! I love you!' Tweek sighs. 'I love you too! Now go!' He slaps my ass as I get on my horse, I kiss Tweek again. 'Bye babe. . . 'I ride to Reds as my guard should be there.

Red walks out with her horse saying. 'Craig, your guard is a fuckboy.' Clyde smirks. 'You know it.' I sigh as he gets on his horse, we start riding off as Red asks. 'Please don't be a whiny fuck. . .' I ask. 'Why would I be a.-' Clyde cuts me off. 'You're away from your fuck toy and daughter, you become whiny after an hour.'

I roll my eyes. 'I don't! I just. . .I love them, man. . .I would kill for them. . .' Red rolls her eyes. 'Just propose to him you fag.' Clyde nods. 'You're out of town, you come back sweet on your brow, you kiss him pushing him onto your bed, you pull back and moan rubbing your hard cock against his. "Will you marry me?", tada! That's how it'll go, well. . .you two will fuck but you know.'

I flip him off. 'I swear Clyde. I'll rip your head off.' Clyde laughs. 'If you weren't a cheating magic user I would fight you!' I laugh. 'I'm also your employer!'Clyde rolls his eyes. 'Whatever. . .' We arrive at the village after a couple of hours. . .I arrive at a local jeweller, I look around at stuff and the person asks. 'Who are you?! If you're a thief! Leave!'

I growl. 'Fucking prick.' He goes to point to the door as Red comes in. 'Craig!' She walks in with drawings all over her face and her cloak down, the sir bows to Red. 'M'lady, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, this thief was just leaving.' I roll my eyes pulling down my head. 'I'm not a thief.'

The sir is taken back by this and bows. 'My lord, I am sorry to be of such bad manner.' I look around he asks. 'Why are you here? Present for the queen or darling princess? Or maybe that newborn, not sure of the bloodline.-' I nod looking. 'My daughter.' He gasps. 'Daughter?' I nod trying to find the perfect thing.

He asks. 'What is the occasion?' I shrug. 'Proposing.' Red gasps. 'Are you actually?' I nod. 'Clyde gave me an idea.' The man gasps. 'Whos the lucky lady?' I glare at him. 'My boyfriend Tweek.' The man looks down. 'I'm so sorry sir.' I sigh. 'There's nothing here I like.-' I spot a beautiful green diamond. . .'This one, I'll take this one.' He nods handing me the ring. '$4,000.' I nod handing him a bag.

I walk off hiding it in my cloak, Red asks. 'Are you really?' I nod. 'I just spent $4,000 on a ring.' I look around and spot a magic shop, I walk in and find a necklace of good luck, I brought it for Lilly and left, it was a nice shop but we start riding to where we needed to.

I enter the voodoo shop and sit down, Red walks over quickly drawing some shit on my forehead, she whispers. 'It represents that you're a dark user.' I nod as she walks over to Clyde and draws more shit on his face, I hear someone whispering as I turn to view. . .

Something is happening man 👀, hope you enjoyed! Bye!

The gay prince. \ \ \Craig X Tweek/ Creek./ / /Where stories live. Discover now