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We reach home as my father stands at the door confused, I say. 'We'll talk in my room.' My dad asks. 'Are you all having an orgy or something?' I answer. 'No, dad. . .there's a child right there.' We walk into my room to see Tweek playing with Lilly, he hasn't noticed us yet, so I quickly grab them and hug them, Tweek stiffens like a plank and I smirk kissing his neck. 'Hey baby, hello Lilly!'

Tweek calms down and says. 'Hey Craig, you scared me half to death!' I smile. 'God I missed you.' I eventually let go and Tweek hands me Lilly. Kenny asks. 'Where is Tricia?' I say. 'I'll go get her.-' I get cut off by Karen. 'I can do it.' I nod as she wonders off, I laugh. 'Lesbians.'

Kenny rolls his eyes. 'Now, if you're ever in trouble, we will assist in any way to help. As long as it's same for us.' I nod. 'Of course.' Kenny and I shake hands as I notice. . .where the fuck is Clyde?! I look around, that succubus is gone as well, I look around. 'Where is Clyde and. . .Bebe?' Kenny looks around. 'Cheek? Should you be able to.' I nod putting Lilly down.

I place out my hands opening myself to the spirits and ghosts, I feel my magic go through my veins as I see Clyde and Bebe making out in the bathroom on the left wing, I open my eyes. 'They're in the bathroom, left wing.' I sigh. 'I'll get them.' I exit my room and walk to the bathroom, I push the door open and say. 'Put your clothes on! I'm a raging homosexual and don't want to see it!'

Bebe and Clyde groan. 'Fucking dammit Craig!' I sigh. 'Just hurry up!' They get dressed and we go back to my room and I say. 'They were fucking in the bathroom.' Tweek looks at me covering Lilly's ear, I stammer. 'I mean uh. . .they were um. . .making fudge!' Lilly jumps up and down and I ask. 'Are Tricia and Karen back.-' The door flies open to Tricia running in and slapping me, I grab my cheek.

Tricia says annoyed. 'Don't tell my girlfriend I'm a witch you asshole!' I ask. '"girlfriend"?' Tricia says getting annoyed. 'Yeah?! So what?!' I laugh poking her nose. 'Does homosexuality run in the family?' Tricia grabs me by the collar and slaps me again, I laugh. 'Stop hitting me!'

Kenny says. 'We shall stay here with you two. . .you two hold a future. . .one that sets all "monster" free.' I shake his hand. 'I'll set up some rooms for you all.' Kenny says. 'In the morning, I would like to do some training with Red, teaching Tricia, she has a mighty fire in her, it just needs to be released.'

Hope you enjoyed? Bye!

The gay prince. \ \ \Craig X Tweek/ Creek./ / /Where stories live. Discover now