{7}\ \ \Aftermath of a drunk./ / /{7}

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I wake up naked with a throbbing headache, I groan going to get up only to hear someone whimper. 'Stop moving. . .' I open my eyes and see Tweek naked in my arms, I instantly perk up, I ask. 'What happened?' Tweek blushes. 'You got drunk. . .' I ask. 'What happened after that?' Tweek answers. 'We sort of. . .fucked?' I smile. 'Finally.' He stands up saying. 'Get dressed, Red wants to see if it could have affected your magic.' I sigh standing up, I get dressed and walk into the pottery room, Red asks. 'Did you enjoy last night?' I answer. 'I don't remember what happened?' Red pinches the bridge of her nose. 'Just. . .'

She says. 'Try doing something when Tweek is not in the room.' I nod as Tweek exits, I try seeing who will die today. . .It works? I smile. 'It worked!' Tweek walks in smiling as memories of last night come flooding back in. . .

"Fuck Craig- NGGG~" Tweek sat on my. . .errection riding me, fuck his face looked adorable. . .I come back to reality and smirk. 'I know what happened last night!' Tweek blushes. 'No you don't. . .' I smirk pushing him up against a wall. 'Heyyy.~' I get a call as I groan annoyed. 'Hello?' My dad says. 'Your baby is being born, get to the Phoenix hospital now!' I ask. 'Can I bring Red and her assistant?' My dad huffs. 'Fine.' I turn off my phone and say. 'We're going to go see my child being born. . .'

Hope you enjoyed! Bye! 

The gay prince. \ \ \Craig X Tweek/ Creek./ / /Where stories live. Discover now