{17}\ \ \ Good enough?/ / /{17}

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I grab all the stuff and smile. 'Come on, I really want your dad to like me!' Tweek smiles. 'He will.' I hold out my hand to help him get up on the horse, he smiles accepting it. He gets on the horse as I strap our bags onto the horse, I hand Tweek Lilly as he smiles. 'Hurry up gay boy!' I get on the horse wrapping my arms around Tweek and grabbing the rains, I kiss Tweeks neck lightly. 'Hold on.'

I kick the horse starting to ride off, after two fucking days we arrive at a VERY far away town, Tweek says. 'It's that house.' I get into the driveway as I get off the horse, I grab Lilly holding her with one arm, I help Tweek off and whisper in his ear. 'I love you, I'll grab the stuff and then I'll. . .come inside?' Tweek nods kissing my cheek. 'I love you too. . .so much. . .' I hand Tweek Lilly, I tie the horse up to a post grabbing the bags off of it.

I wonder to the front door and think for a couple seconds, I knock on the door and some older woman answers, she asks confused. 'Who are you?' I answer. 'Uh. . .Tweeks boyfriend?' The older woman drags me inside smiling. 'You're the lovely boy Tweek has been bragging about!' Tweek sprints into the room and yells. 'Mum! Stop it!' Tweek is still holding Lilly as Tweek sighs. 'Craig, this is my mum.' I smile placing my hand out. 'Pleasure to meet you.'

Tweeks mum smiles. 'Your highness.' Shaking my hand, I cringe. 'I'm dating your son, don't be so formal.' Tweeks mum nods asking. 'What do I call you then?' I answer. 'Craig.' Tweek tugs on my arm. 'Craig, come on. . . I need to put Lilly down for a nap.' I nod following Tweek upstairs, I hear a knock on the door to see Tweeks mum, Tweeks mum says. 'May I please talk to Craig?' I nod. . .what if she thinks I'm not good enough for her son. . .

Hope you enjoyed! Bye!

The gay prince. \ \ \Craig X Tweek/ Creek./ / /Where stories live. Discover now