{4}\ \ \Flirt?/ / /{4}

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I want to fuck Tweek! He hasn't helped my homosexual thoughts, he has made them worst! And that odd magic, it hasn't gone away! And whenever I try to cast a spell when Tweek isn't around, it won't let me do it, my magic will just dance, but why?!

I go to leave the castle wanting to go see Red but I hear someone yell. 'Craig FUCKER!' I turn around confused as Tricia grabs me by that hat and whispers. 'Dad got a girl pregnant with your semen!' I ask. 'How?!' She answers. 'She used one of your samples, got a lady who would carry it and then artificially inseminated her!'

She quickly says. 'Go now, he's about to tell you!' I nod quickly running off, sometimes, I love Tricia, most of the time, I hate her. 

I arrive at Reds and huff when I get in. 'Guess who's going to be a dad?' Red asks. 'Your dad?' I sigh annoyed. 'No, me.' Red asks. 'How? You're a bigger fairy then Tweek and he's pretty gay.' Tweek hands her the stuff she needs and he shakes his head. 'I'm not gay. . .' 

Red rolls her eyes. 'You're talking to a Wiccan and a Satanist.' I say. 'I'm not a satanist! I don't know why I can only use dark magic!' Red sighs. 'So, how are you going to be a dad?' I see Tweeks lips move and hear Red laugh but, not sure what he said. . .I shake it off and say. 'Dad used my sperm and artificially inseminated a girl and I'm going to have a kid. . .great. . .' 

Tweek laughs. 'Musiltufe.' I roll my eyes. 'It's not good news. . .I'm not even dating anyone, and I'm also a raging homosexual so there's that issue.' Tweek laughs. 'I could change that.' I swear I heard a flirtatious tone but, he looks embarrassed. . .I laugh smirking. 'I wouldn't mind it.' I slap his ass lightly making him jump.

Red groans. 'Take your gayness to Tweeks room, just don't fuck. . .God only knows how long Tweek won't be able to walk.' I look at Tweek to see him checking me out, I laugh. 'Sizing me up or checking me out.' Tweek quickly looks away as I smirk pushing him up against a wall, I'm trying to sell it as a joke but, I. . .sort of want to fuck Tweek like I like him. . .I run my hands up and down his hips and he just stands there in shock.

Red fake coughs. 'STOP TRYING TO FUCK MY ASSISTANT!' She chucks me against the wall and I laugh. 'Thanks Red. . .' I mutter. 'Fucking cockblock.' She chucks a dildo at me and says. 'Use that instead. AND LEAVE TWEEK OUT OF IT.' I ask. 'Where the fuck do you get so many dildos from?!' She laughs. 'I buy a bunch for you in case you're being gay.'  

I groan handing the dildo to Tweek. 'You want this?' He shakes his head as I laugh, Red asks. 'Has your magic settled down?' I shake my head. 'No. . .it only settles down when Tweeks in the room?' Red signals to Tweek as he walks off, Red says. 'Try doing something.' I nod as I try to simply move something, but what happens is my magic starts going off and trying to get to Tweek. . .

Red yells. 'Tweek get back in here!' Tweek walks back in as he is moved directly into my arms, I stumble back as he falls on top of me, I smirk. 'Heyyy.' Red says. 'Odd, Craig. . .I'm going to do a couple tests on you, but you have to strip down into your boxers, I need to see your weird symbols.' I shake my head. 'Fucking creep!' 

Red rolls her eyes. 'It's just your cousin and some guy whose pants you're trying to get in, now get stripping fucking fag.' 

Hope you enjoyed? 've only uploaded 4 parts in 2 days to try and get the ball rolling. . .next update wont be until Monday Australian at 4:00. Hope you enjoyed! Bye!

The gay prince. \ \ \Craig X Tweek/ Creek./ / /Where stories live. Discover now