{2}\ \ \Voodoo queen?/ / /{2}

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"Will it fix you?" I nodded. "Yes. . ." My father smiled. "Then the prince shall take a couple days off." And with that I'm off, to visit the far-off tale of "Voodoo Dra Laa" I haven't met her but. . .Red has, she's keeping quiet about them,  she won't tell me anything about them. . .odd. . .

We reach the lodge as she smiles. 'Here we are.' I walk in pulling down my robe, I hear someone speak. 'Coming!' A blonde boy runs up to the front of the shop without a shirt on and scribbles all over him, he's rather cute. . .Red says shaking his hand. 'Good day Tweek, I have brought my cousin prince Craig of Nova. Son of the moon and dark essence.' 

This "Tweek" boy nods and asks. 'His he a magic user? Why is he here?' I answer. 'I use the dark arts. . .and I'm here to be cured.' Tweek asks. 'Cured?' I sigh. 'Homosexuality, my father is searching for a cure. . .' Tweek nods. 'I see. . . well, we can't cure you for that. . .but we can make you "get it up" in bed? I guess. . .' 

I laugh. 'Uh huh, can I speak to Voodoo Dra Laa? She must be able to tell me something.' Tweek bables. 'Uh. . .it's a he.' I stand up straight. 'I see. . .can I see him?' Tweek nods. 'Right this way.' I follow him to see a man sitting by a pot on the floor, he smiles breathing in something. 'Craig Tucker. . .I do not specifically have what you seek but. . .I have something you crave.' 

The man looks at Tweek and smirks. 'Go with Craig. . .you could learn more from the dark arts then voodoo.' I ask. 'Why would I need Tweek?' He smirks. 'You'll see. . .' I nod as Tweek stands offish, Red sighs. 'He'll come with me. The dark arts is no place for his innocent soul.' The man grins. 'As long as Craig sees him once a day. . .' 

We leave as I ask. 'How to get back. . .we have another person with us?' Red says. 'He'll ride with you, Tweek you must hold on.' I ask. 'Is this some sick game?' She shakes her head. 'Of course not, now let's get going.' 

We ride until the next morning back to Reds cave, Tweek asks. 'Can you do any spells?' I nod. 'Plenty, they'll just. . .rewein someone. . .' Tweek nods as we enter Reds cave, she starts playing around with potions and says. 'Now, I found something recently that actually might be of use. .. ' she starts running around looking for something, I ask. 'If it's another fucking dildo I'll hang you.' 

Red rolls her eyes. 'Do it then pussy.' I smirk feeling darkness run through my veins, I look at her with hate in my eyes as she starts walking around grabbing rope preparing to hang herself as she says in fear. 'That's enough Craig!' I laugh letting her go. 'Don't call me a pussy.' 

She sighs continuing her search, she wonders around and grabs out a necklace? I ask. 'Another one?' She hands it to me and whispers. 'Someone is truly after you. .. they found out about your "fetish" and they want your head.' 

I look at Tweek and ask. 'Is it him?' Red shakes her head. 'No, he's a "fairy" as well. . .I doubt he would do it.' 

Hope you enjoyed? Bye?

The gay prince. \ \ \Craig X Tweek/ Creek./ / /Where stories live. Discover now