{6}\ \ \The baby?!/ / /{6}

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'CRAIG TUCKER, SON OF THE STARS, MOON AND NIGHT. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!' I answer. 'Reds, what do you want.' My father sighs. 'You shall be a father soon, go get ready for the lady.' I sigh. 'I don't want a kid.' He demands. 'You will have one and raise this kingdom!' I groan. 'I hope you die of a heart attack you fat cunt.' He says annoyed. 'Pardon?!' I say. 'Fine.' I go up to my room, getting changed.

I go back down to the ballroom, I see a lady who looks about. . .9 months pregnant?! I ask. 'What?!' He says. 'She is pregnant with your child.' I shake my head. 'I thought she would be like 1 week or something?!' He shakes his head. 'You shall be a father soon. Whether you want to or not!'

I flip him off and say. 'Fuck off, I'm leaving.' I quickly exit, I get to Reds and. . .I know I go to Reds a lot but. . .she's my best friend. . .I get inside and I say. 'The lady is 9 months!' Red asks. 'What?' I answer. 'The chick that's having my kid! She's 9 months!' Red says. 'What?!'

I groan sitting down. 'I don't want to be a dad! I still have to like. . .find someone?! What the fuck am I meant to do?!' Tweek exits his room rubbing his head tired, I say in a panic. 'I don't know how to take care of a kid! What the fuck do I do if it starts crying?!' Red shrugs. 'Pick it up?' I say panicking even worst. 'What if it has magic?! Fucking Christ, I don't want to be chucked in the air by a bratty 5 year old!'

Tweek groans. 'Jesus. . .babies aren't that hard to take care of.' Red nods. 'I helped raise you and Tricia.' I go to say something as Red says. 'Just bring it here if you don't know what to do stupid.' I sigh. 'I'm not ready for a baby. . . I never wanted a baby. . .' Red asks. 'Why don't you just get drunk like normal?' Red hands me a beer as I grin. 'God you're amazing.' I start skulling drink after drink until I black out. . .

Hope you enjoyed! Bye!

The gay prince. \ \ \Craig X Tweek/ Creek./ / /Where stories live. Discover now