{11}\ \ \An opened world./ / /{11}

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The voodoo queen walks in along with a younger girl. . .they look off with there skin tone but meh, a succubus, a witch, a siren, a gorgon, a werewolf, a harpy and a vampire. . .Red sighs. 'Meet the gathering of the dark alliance.'

The voodoo queen extends his hand. 'I am the leader, Kenny McCormmick, that is Bebe.' He points to the succubus. 'This is Wendy(l)' He points to the witch. 'Cartman, Kyle and Stan.' He points to the siren, gorgon and werewolf, in that order. 'Token.' The harpy, 'And Leo, or Butters.'

I nod. 'I am Craig, nice to meet you all.' The younger girl says. 'I know your sister! You're the gay one with the daughter!' I nod. 'Uh, yeah. . .who are you?' She smiles. 'I'm Karen! I'm. . .really close with your daughter. . .' I ask. 'Are you the girl she was caught making out with?' Karen blushes jumping back as Kenny asks. 'You were making out with his sister?' She nods blushing.

Kenny asks. 'Does she have any magic? Anything?' I think for a couple seconds and answer. 'She is a very. . .low power? Magic user? . .she can do one or two things, Red is trying to help her learn but I can't do anything since she is a light user.'

Kenny nods. 'I think we shall pay a visit. . .' I nod as Kenny says. 'We must go back with you, only a hand full of us. . .Bebe, Cartman, Eric, Kyle, Karen and I.' I nod. 'Alright, we can travel back whenever.' Kenny says. 'Now.'

Hope you enjoyed, bye!

The gay prince. \ \ \Craig X Tweek/ Creek./ / /Where stories live. Discover now