Chapter 1

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Jerome's POV

I heard a voice call out in pain, waking me up. Nothing sounded again though and that was when I realised Mitch wasn't in bed. The bathroom was silent but I could hear a stair creak. Another sound, this time from outside. I looked out the window, only to see Alison shooting a needle into his neck. No... no... NO! I desperately thought as I raced down the stairs, barely stopping to wrap a dressing gown over myself but when I managed to get outside, the squeals of tires racing away was all I heard. Mitch was gone. Alison had taken him.

Shadow's POV

"Shadow! Please... Please wake up! Help!" I felt myself being yanked out of my sleep by a desperate Jerome, tears down his face. "What?!" I muttered irritated. "A-A-Alison... She... M-M-Mitch..." He gulped deep breaths and I pieced together what he was saying. "Alison took Mitch?" I asked. All Jerome could do was nod sadly. I leapt out of bed. "You get Fern. I'll get Amber." I commanded. I raced to Amber's room, only to find the door was open... and a figure on the ground. Amber. There were fingernail marks in her neck and when I placed an ear to her face, I hardly heard a breath. "Amber... WAKE UP!" I yelled, and slowly started to shake her but it did no good. Amber just didn't respond but I heard very, very faint breath coming from her. Fern raced over. "What's happened?!" Then she noticed me bending over Amber. "Oh god!"

"Call 911 Fern!"

"On it!" She yelled and ran to grab her phone. I sat there in distress, hoping I wasn't about to lose another friend.

Jerome's POV

Mitch... Oh Mitch... Where did she take you? I thought as I sank into a chair. The ambulance had just taken Amber away and I accepted a mug of coffee. Cupping my hads around it, I rocked back and forth, my body racked with dry sobs. Fern noticed and came to me and put on arm around me. "Amber will be okay... This will all be okay... We will find Mitch, just you wait and see." She murmured comfortingly in my ear, but I ignored her. "You don't know that. For all I know, Mitch is dead already!" I muttered bitterly, and pushed her away. Fern cast one long, sad glance my way before walking off.

Mitch's POV

"Mitch! Where are you? Please..." I heard a sobbing voice, filled with desperation but no one appeared. Then a sharp set of nails dug into my shoulders. "You're gone... they won't remember you... you are gone..." A voice purred from within the darkness. Water started to pool at my feet, continuously getting higher until I started drowning in water, being unable to breathe.

I woke with a pounding headache and drowsy eyes. Blinking a few times, I opened them fully and woke to... Alison? Events of the previous night and I scrambled back fearfully, only to hit a stone wall. She smiled smugly and crossed her arms. "Woke up now did you?" She stared cruelly at me and traced my body with one finger while I tensed with fear. "They don't know where you are. They don't know where I am. No one will know you're gone. They'll be too worried about other things anyway." She waved off the thought. "What other things?..." I asked cautiously, leaning against the wall. Alison smiled again. "Amber may or may not be dead. Eh. I don't care. She deserved it."


"You heard me." I almost choked. "You... You killed her?!" I gasped. She shrugged. "Maybe."

"You monster." I lunged at her but she threw a wicked punch at my stomach and I fell over in pain. "You're my prisoner and I will NOT let you go."

"Where are we?" I asked wearily, all anger erased by the pain in my stomach. "A little hideout I found in this forest. No one had found it before. Anyway, it's off the track. You'll never be found, and no one would care if you weren't."


Welcome back! Hope this chapter is one that you enjoyed, even if it pisses you off (sorry if it does) and I hope you look forward to the next chapters!

I'll be doing authors notes like this so it becomes a little more obvious as I wouldn't really have much cause to write like this any other time. I won't do them every chapter though. I don't wanna spam random crap nobody wants to read.

Hope this chapter is a little fast paced for you all, I don't want it to be boring, especially for a first chapter :)

Votes for this chapter? :) I'll shut up now.


Yours: MeromeWhere stories live. Discover now