Chapter 26

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Mitch's POV

Once again, I pressed the wad of tissue to my leg, cutting off the blood.

It scared me how fast my life has changed in the month leading up until Christmas. I'd posted the v-log, and so had Jerome. In it, we'd explained that things weren't working out, and that we'd still occasionally record together only with friends, with awkward conversation, but no longer were we a couple. They didn't see anything else, other than what we showed. 

I'd started cutting, getting sleeping pills. They stopped me dreaming, so I slept in a dull world where I was vaguely aware of my existence there. I would wake with snippets of forgetfulness, or be unable to move, drowsiness too heavy for me to do anything other than sleep. Until today. Today was Christmas, and it would be the first time I saw Jerome since the v-log. I hadn't seen him face to face, and in videos, we couldn't maintain the same closeness. Everything was too polite, too nice for it to have been us, the people we were before Alison.

Alison still haunted my mind. I'd hear her voice in my ear, cruel taunts. See a wave of blonde hair, the bright smile laced with cruel poison. Feel the nails as they slightly dug into my shoulders. Then I'd look again and she'd be gone. I didn't tell anyone about it.

I waited until the blood was cut off, before throwing my pants on, then put on a t-shirt and classic knitted Christmas sweater, due to the cold. I was still in shape, eating enough and exercising. All the loss and pain I'd felt hadn't been enough to kill my physical well-being, just my mental state. I made my way downstairs sheepishly, and looked at the tree. It was reasonably laden with presents, and a few would have my name on them. "Hey Mitch." Amber greeted me happily, while Shadow grunted to acknowledge my presence, stirring a pot. I assumed it was for lunch, where everyone was going to be. I took up a place beside her, and she set me peeling potatoes. The act reminded me painfully of the one I had just done, and I sat on a stool thinking wistfully. "Will you be okay with Jerome here? I know things are awkward between you."

"It'll be fine." I said, and looked at her. "I had a present I wanted to give him anyway." Amber nodded, and resumed cooking. I dropped the peeled potatoes and walked outside, my butt feeling frozen on the cold ground. It had snowed the day before, and everywhere was a white haze. "Do you wanna build a snowman?" I asked aloud quietly, and a soft voice replied, to my shock. "Come on, let's go and play..." I spun to see Jerome behind me, a regretful smile on his face. "Sorry, I don't come bearing carrots. I only have this." He lifted his arm and pointed to the bag of stuff. "I have to go inside and put my gifts under the tree." He walked off, and left me feeling happier than I had for days. He walked back out a minute later, and this time, had chunks of coal and a carrot. 'Classic snowman or Olaf?"

"Classic. We can't mess up a classic."

"Yeah, that's right, because you'll mess up Olaf like your movie puns." Jerome snorted, and I finally started feeling the thaw in the cold weather. He was dressed in a long, thick coat, and had on a cute, slightly familiar beanie on his head. "It's a Bacca one. A fan made it for me, and I thought I'd wear it. A nice addition to the collection." He explained, noticing my gaze. I nodded, and started rolling the bottom of the snowman. "Look Mitch, I do want us to be friends."

"Just friends?"

"Yes Mitch." 

"Not even with benefits?" I said teasingly, and Jerome rolled his eyes characteristically and muttered seriously, "no. I've forgiven you, but I don't want to go back. Not yet."

"So there is hope?"

"I don't know. I'm told I'm being an idiot but don't think I am." He said wearily, then moved and came up behind me. "Are you okay pushing it?" He asked, and I looked at him. "Help is appreciated." I blushed as his hands wrapped around me. Just like old times.

We finished the snowman, and then went inside, just in time for the Christmas lunch. Gale and Luca were also here, and everyone gathered. "I don't know, does anyone wanna say anything?" Shadow asked as we slid into our seats, next to each other, and Gale smiled. "Yeah. Thanks to everyone for letting us come and share Christmas with you, and thanks to Amber and Shadow for cooking!" A hearty round of applause rose, and they blushed.

(Insert amazing Christmas dinner here because I don't know what there would be since I am lazy, this is a longish chapter ect.) 

Afterwards, we passed around presents. Jerome handed me one, and I looked at it. "I got it ages ago, before we broke up, and it's only suited to you anyway." He explained, and I raised my eyebrow. "Huh. I got your present for you ages ago as well."

"Well, open it," he encouraged, and I cauiously unwrapped it. Out fell a scarf, and a dog tag. I put on the scarf first, a blue scarf made of soft merino, then picked up the tag. "For my one and only Benja, love from Bacca." I read, and Jerome looked at me sheepishly. "Sorry, I should have realised it was a little insensitive." Jerome immediately apologised as a tear fell from my eye, but I shook my head. "No, it's fine. Thank you." He then opened his gift. I'd run into it randomly, and knew it was perfect. It wasn't much, but it was good. "A Bacca phone case!" He laughed, and slid off his current one. I smiled, and watched as he found the something else fall out of the paper. He opened it, and the room fell into a stunned silence. I'd picked this up last minute. "What does this mean?" He'd found it. A small silver ring with an infinity sign on it. "It isn't an engagement ring. It's a promise ring. Not to say that we'll one day get married, but to say that I'll have a chance with you." I quickly reassured him. Jerome considered it, even inspected it, then put it back in swiftly and closed the box. "I won't wear it now, but when I do, you'll know what it means." He whispered. The best I could have hoped for. He was still giving me a chance, I'd just have to know when to take it.

Merry Christmas! A happy chapter for you all, but I did consider making this end on a sad note. Have a great day with your families!


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