Chapter 14

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Amber's POV

Havoc. Total havoc.

Gale and Luca were leaving, with promises to be back. Of course they would come back after things were sorted, but I couldn't help wondering if they would return. Here, they were strangers in a chaotic world. True, they had once lived here in New Jersey as well, but not like this.

Fern was gone as well, having felt out of place. I had wish she could have stayed, but this was for the better. Then maybe we wouldn't feel so torn, and things could mend.

I watched the cab drive off, and then turned around and saw Mitch looking at me sadly, with him parked on the couch. "You could have driven them yourself." I shook my head. "I wanted a private goodbye, not a public one in an airport, thank you very much." My mind flashed back to the last time, where I was buried in his puffer jacket, wanting to cry. No. I didn't want to feel that again. "Hey, do you know if Jerome's free for Hunger Games?" I shrugged. "Oh ok." Mitch accepted my lack of speech and turned on the television. A familiar story came up. "Mitchell Hughes, a YouTuber, was recently abducted and taken hostage by Alison Myers. He has currently been found and returned home, but police still say they are unsure of what will happen to Myers." Mitch looked at the screen before back to me. "This made it worldwide?"


"Not war or anything. My abduction." Mitch looked at me weakly. I went and sat next to him, careful not to bash into him. "You caused a lot of worry there, buddy. People did care, and went on tons of searches in an attempt to find you. They said some people looked abroad for you as well."


"Hey, they didn't know where Alison could have taken you." I reasoned. Mitch groaned. "Damn it." He yelled. I looked at him with curiosity. "I didn't want to pull myself into this publicly."

"You were missing for over two weeks!"

"But I'm not important." Mitch whispered, and I shook my head. "No. Do not pull the weakness card on me boy. You know that people care about you, your fans, family, Jerome, me, Shadow... I could go on if you wanted me to." Mitch rolled his eyes in defeat. "You know how to pick your battles." I commented dryly, and he snickered.

Mitch's POV

"Hey doods, Mitch here, and I know I didn't record or upload anything for ages, and Jerome hasn't done much either, and I bet you guys know why." I took a deep breath, the nightmares still at the edge of my mind. I stared into the camera again, and looked at my monitor, trying to look relaxed. "I was taken by an ex-girlfriend and was only recently found by the lovely Jerome and Amber. It's great to be back, but I'll admit I'm finding it difficult to do things like record, as everything is just getting to me at the momen-" My voice caught in my throat as an image I had seen last night flashed through my mind. "I am having difficulties." I said stiffly. I then rushed from my seat, unable to do anything apart from take deep, ragged breaths. I curled into a ball.

Jerome walked in and saw me in my state. "Oh Mitch." He sighed, before squashing next to me, keeping close. I felt his arms crawl around me and hold me close, as I squeezed my eyes, trying to blot out the nightmares. His hands still found their way to my face, and slowly he lifted my head. Jerome kissed my lips lightly, but then faltered. "I can't." He simply muttered. I felt his taste on my lips, and looked at him pleadingly. His comfort was the only thing that had distracted me from the fear. He saw the desperation in my eyes, and pulled me up. "Get some sleep Mitch." He said bluntly, then bit his lip. "I'm sorry that sounded harsh Mitch... I miss sleeping in the same bed." He muttered, blushed, then sighed. "I feel like I'm treating you different, when in truth, you're still my boyfriend, and nothing can change that."

"Stay with me."


"Stay with me tonight." I repeated, the begging pulled out of my voice by confidence. "But... the nightmares."

"Screw that. I want you with me tonight." Jerome blushed, but then smiled. "We can see where this takes us I guess."

"Takes us?"

"You know what I mean." He said, before grinning and grabbing my arm and pulling me up the stairs, luring me to the room like a magnet, and we shut the door.

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