Chapter 7

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Jerome's POV

We walked around the forest, finding nothing. I was starting to despair when memories of us as kids flowed through my mind and I suddenly took off, Amber following. "Where are you going?!"

"I think... yes!"


"I found the path to that cave from when we were kids!" I ran down the path, and then froze. "Wait. Since when has there been a car here?" Amber asked, perplexed. "That's Alison's car." I looked at the entrace of the cave, then walked in. "Water bottle." I remarked. I grabbed it then noticed something else shining in the light. "Mitch's earring." I picked it up and stared at it. Amber came up behind me and looked at it. "Are you sure?"

"Yep. This is most definitely my boyfriend's earring."

"He was just here." Amber breathed.

"What makes you say that?"

"There's still water in the bottle. If the car is still here..." The German Sheppard suddenly started barking and I had a brainwave. "Smell this earring!"

"Dogs don't understand that..." Amber teased. I ignored her and held the earring up to the dog. The dog sniffed it and barked again. "I think he can smell Mitch."

Mitch's POV

I saw Jerome standing ahead of me in the deep forest, a loving smile on his face. "Mitch!" He called. I ran to him and he did the same. "Jerome!" I yelled. I leapt into his arms and he enveloped me into a hug. I smelled his scent and it brought tears to my eyes. It had been over a week since I had last seen him, felt his warm arms provide comfort.

A sudden gasp escaped his lips and I felt something warm and wet soak my shirt. I pulled back. Jerome was shot, his stomach bleeding rivers. He collapsed in my arms, red blood sprawling all over, on me, him, everything was absorbing it. A light breath left his lips as he convulsed and then he fell still. I buried my head into his shirt, and sobbed.

When I lifted my head, everything was covered in his blood, apart from Alison, who carried a smoking gun. She smiled, then lifted it in my direction, and fired.

Shadow's POV

We ran along the track. It was almost pretty, with the sun leaving shadows all around us. The track spiralled into deep bush. "Someone could easily hide Mitch there." Fern pointed out and my eyes widened in agreement. "I'll go scout around other area's." Gale notified us and I nodded. "Where's Luca?" Fern enquired.

"Scouting for accommodation for if he comes back with Gale."


"Yeah, he's been good though. We're taking things slow while he's here, to see what happens..." I smiled and we trekked through the bush further, finding nothing. Fern powered ahead, clearing the path. "Hey I think I hear wat-" Her sentence was cut off by her falling foot dislodging small stones on the edge on the path. She spun, looking at me in fear as she then disappeared out of sight. "Fern!"

I have nothing to ease the pain. Maybe it's because I've always hidden it, but you've always been able to see through the mask. Until now. You're blinded, and I am a fading presence from the past, with all given and nothing recieved. All there's left is to be forgotten now, so hold on or let go, both bring pain to me.

I've told you once, I've told you twice. You don't get to be told a third time. Three is three too many, and I've given all there is to give. Now you can hold the cards. Deal them how you like, but don't play with mine.


Yours: MeromeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat