Chapter 29

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Jerome's POV

I woke to the sound of my phone ringing. "Shut. Up." The damned thing kept ringing and I flung out a hand to grab it, but it slipped and fell onto the ground. "Stupid phone." I muttered. That was a great dream it interrupted. It was a world where I was free, and Mitch was there.


I stood up, swaying with dizziness a little, and stumbled to his ring box, and pulled it out. Engraved. Promise -M. All he got written. I guess it was either a reminder, or just all he could think about. A simplistic word, filled with so much emotion.

How could I be so naïve? He would use this until the end of time, but maybe I wouldn't. I sighed and put it in the box, then dropped the box on my table as I bent down and grabbed my phone.

I had a bed, a bedside table and a dresser table complete with a mirror. I don't think it counted as moving in properly, but I'd taken the main things and either left them at my parents or brought them over. My parents were still a few blocks away, and understanding, but I saw that continual look of sadness over their lost son. If you could call Mitch that.

I hit the home button to find a call from Ryan, and a text. Bro, pls pik up. Tired.

Idiot. I replied, and he replied seconds later. Y? He typed, and I yawned as I replied. I was sleeping!

Sry. Plane lnd. Halp.

Type properly! Please dude, I've been telling you to for years!

Wll u com?


Okay. I smacked my hand to my forehead and started to head out the door. At least Ryan would be some comfort while I still quietly grieved for Mitch.

Did I really believe staying away was the best option? My head told me yes, but my heart cried a no, which pushed me back and forth between ache and relief. I wanted him so badly, but want wasn't the same as need, and I needed space. Time. Honesty.

I pulled up to the arrivals to find Ryan at the door, leaning dangerously on his suitcase. "Ah, you came! I thought you'd never show up!"

"Dude, it's seven am. I almost didn't." He grinned. "Where's Mitch?" The grin slid off my face instantaneously, and I felt my heart drop from my chest and land in my stomach, sending a sickening feeling through me. "Why do you ask?"


"You know we broke up."

"Yeah, but I thought he might tag along to welcome me! We are still the Power Move squad!"

"Really?" I bit my lip to hold back the tears that were threatening to break. "I don't think letting go of him was a Power Move."

"If it's what you really had to do, then so be it." Ryan waved it off, nonchalant as I stared off in the distance. "Yeah. Maybe. I just don't know anymore." Ryan smiled, but I heard a tiny twinge of fear in his voice. "Mind dropping me off at Mitch's for a while? I'll text you when I wanna come back."

"I'll take you later. I still wanna eat." On cue, my stomach rumbled and Ryan groaned. "Okay. Thanks." He said half-heartedly as we drove by houses, the same streets I'd walked with Mitch.

(Wooo after breakfast where the fun starts)

I dropped Ryan off. "I'll just be a few minutes okay? No need to come in." He scarpered off, but I went and followed him anyway.

I popped in the familiar house to see Shadow and Tash, and they looked at me in shock. "Jerome! What are you doing here?" Shadow asked, giving me a tight hug. I flustered a little under her arms, but then squawked and sighed in relief. "Just a quick visit with Ryan. You saw him pass right?"

"Oh, yeah. Mitch talked about him coming over, but wasn't overly happy about it. He's been in a moody funk for ages." Shadow pulled a face. "Anyway, how are you?"

"Good. It's been sweet at hom- Gale's place."

"Oh, well want to stay for a coffee? We know you always loved a steaming mug of mine!" Tash laughed, and I raised my eyebrows. "Actually, I don't wanna drink your poison." I teased, and she glared at me so I let off a sheepish laugh. "If you don't mind, can I go? I want to see Mitch first. Then we can try swallow your bile." Tash stared the beginnings of her famous daggers, and I quickly crept away, careful to be quiet. It was actually a lie. I didn't just want to see him. I wanted to tell him that maybe he wouldn't have to wait longer. I missed him so bad, especially in a place where we belonged, that I belonged, that I didn't want to be anywhere else.

The floor creaked from under me, and I rolled my eyes as I neared our room, ready to see them talking.


Instead, there was Ryan and Mitch kissing, with Mitch against the wall, hands already out of sight. I held back a sob, and flew down to Shadow where she encased me in her arms. "What happened?"

"They happened." I sobbed. Getting out a quick goodbye, I hopped in the car, the tears gone right as Ryan stormed out the house, looking very pleased with himself. Of course the asshole was. But I wasn't about to punch him for it. He was single. Mitch was single. But Mitch also had a promise which I was about to play on, before he'd done that.

I held it in until we got home, before I slammed my door, panting with red rage. Where was it? Where was- there. The ring. I stormed over to it, anger getting the better of me, and chucked it as hard as I could on the floor. "Your promise means nothing now, Mitchell. You couldn't even keep it long enough for me." I hissed quietly, where no one would hear me.

Almost finished this book!

Thank you all for 5k reads! :D and there will only be up to about... 8 more parts? Maximum. At least about 6. Yey? Drama alert. This could move very fast... I hate the stuffed up pacing. Oops. I'll check this for if it needs edits, and chapter 30 should be a long one if I can manage it. Sorry if I don't.


Yours: MeromeWhere stories live. Discover now