Chapter 4

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Jerome's POV

"Thank you all for your cooperation. We will start looking around Stokes State Forest and let you know if we've found anything." The police officer walked away. "I still can't believe you never told them about Belleplain." Amber remarked. I shrugged. "There isn't too much to back it. But... we can go look ourselves." I said, a glint in my eye. Amber grinned. "Let's get everyone!"

(While later)

Everyone sat down. "We are going to Belleplain." I informed them. "Who? Just you or all of us?" Autumn asked. She had come back after Mitch was taken. "Anyone willing to come." I replied. "I'm coming." Amber added. "So who's coming?" I asked. Everyone stuck up their hands. "Okay. That's settled!"

"Should you really be going Amber?"

"Shadow, the thing tried to kill me. She hurt me. If I'm in danger, may as well use it to a useful extent."

"Ah fine. You know what, I'll just hold down fort." Shadow decided. Fern nodded. "I will as well."

"Okay! So just Amber, Aut and me." I clapped my hands. "We need to get planning then." Amber added grimly.

Amber's POV

"Okay. So we've both been to Belleplain a few times. Oh! Remember that time when we were little?! And we found that little cave? That was awesome! Sad that our parents wanted us to stay on the track... shame we never saw it again." I babbled. Jerome nodded, sadness clouding his eyes. "We give ourselves two days. Max."

Mitch's POV

I tried to move, but it was like I was in an invisible room, walls trapping me on all sides. "I'm coming Mitch! I'll free you!" A voice yelled. I waited. And waited. No one ever came. I stayed awake waiting for them but fatigue set in and it started to claw desperately at me, sending stabbing pains to my head.

I felt myself wake to stabbing pains in my shoulder, head and neck. I kept my eyes closed, to tired to open them. All these sedatives were taking their toll and I knew I was slowly dying inside. Where is my daily dose of sleep? Oh. That's right. I opened my eyes to see the entrance blocked by Alison's car. "She took off on foot." I muttered. I knew this meant she would come back. There was nothing I could do but wait, and my heart started to pound. Will I be waiting forever? Not just for Alison but for Jerome?

Jerome's POV

"Okay. I say here, here, and here." I commanded, pointing to several places on a map. Amber nodded. "Yeah. That works. I'll go with Autumn and you go alone?"

"Not necessarily..." I smirked, an idea running in my head. Whipping out my phone, I called the cops, hoping they would be lenient to my request. "Hello. Can I talk to Sergeant Hart? Hey, it's Jerome. No, he isn't back yet. Yeah, this sucks. I really miss the guy. Yep. It's just... Can you spare a police dog? I have another idea of where Mitch could be but I want to investigate it quietly. Oh no, it's just a safety matter. Oh. Okay. Yeah, no that's fine. Uh... how long? A day? Okay. Yeah, no, that works. Thank you. Yes, I will make sure to call if anything comes up. Yeah, okay. Bye!" I ended the call and turned. "Guess who gets to patrol with a police dog for a day?"


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P.S. There will be a short lull in updates. I have hit writers block even though I know what to write and soI haven't got much lined up now. I am also dealing with some personal problems that are really affecting me. Thanks for understanding.

Yours: MeromeWhere stories live. Discover now