Chapter 24

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Mitch's POV

Two days. Two days since Jerome walked out on me. It feels like an eternity.

I realised something. We hadn't been together a year, but I had been ready to propose and dedicate my life to Jerome. I just didn't know it. Now I'll never have the chance. Unless...

I throw my sheets of my body, then regret it immediately. It's a cold morning, and the sheets smell like Jerome, so I have to keep reminding myself they're off for Jerome as I dress and head down in the cold, grey light of dawn. A mug of coffee in my hands and I'm set.

The whole trip down, it already starts to break me. I see pictures of us, ones we scattered around the place. Catch his alluring scent in the closet, the sheets. This coffee I'm drinking, his favourite brand of instant coffee. Memories of fun times.

~"Jerome! Jerome! Catch the ball" I yelled, and the football sailed high, and landed right in his arms. "Nice throw Mitch!" He cheered, and I grinned as the ball sailed back from him. I looked up to find it, and caught it, then stopped. "Look Jerome! Look at that cloud!" I tucked the ball under my arm, then raised my hand. "It looks like a Bacca!" I trilled, and Jerome grinned. "Yeah, and there's one next to it that almost looks like a Benja... Benj and Bacc forever Mitch. Just like it always should have been. And always will be."~

~I took Jerome's hand in mine, and we strolled down the stairs. Suddenly, I tripped, and my motioned propelled me forward. My face almost smacked against the cold wood before Jerome pulled me back. "Come on Mitch. No one wants to see you take a tumble!" He jeered lightly, and I growled. "Hey, you think I wanted it?"
"I know you want me." He replied, and looked at me softly.~

I felt tears start to flow, and I ran outside. I looked outside, so muxh swirling in me, before collapsing and falling to my feet. My mug shattered near me in the chilly air, but I didn't feel it. All I did was desperately grasp at tendrils of memories, wanting them to be real again. "Mitch." Amber closed the door behind me, and came out in a tightly wrapped robe. "Are you okay?"

"Can I visit Jerome?" I asked quietly, and I felt her freeze. "Do you know if he wants you to?"

"No." I whispered miserably, and she softened. "How about you call him, and if he says yes, I'll take you over."

"Okay," I accepted the offer, even though I didn't want to call. I wanted to show up unannounced, and have him smile through that frown. I wanted him to come into my arms, and everything would be alright. 

That wasn't really the case.

I called his number slowly, and he just picked up. "Mitch?"

"How did you know it was me?"

"I saw your caller ID." He sounded tired, like he hadn't slept in days. In reality, I was the same. I couldn't sleep at night, where my nightmares flourished and in broad daylight, I had to do other things, so that I could still maintain my living. "Jerome." I relished in his voice, his soft breathing. "Yeah?"

"Jerome, we have to explain to the viewers why they won't see many more videos from us." I said softly, reality tearing at me. I could almost hear him nodding. "I guess so." I'd been using all the old videos I'd stocked up, but that was bleeding dry. "Is it alright if I come with Amber to Gale's place?" I didn't want to call it his place yet. That would just mean admitting he didn't belong to me, as petty as it sounded. It still was true. "Sure." He said wearily, and then hung up halfway. 

We made our way over an hour later, after Amber's "quick wash up session" that lasted over half an hour. I trailed behind as she rapped on the door smartly, and Gale opened it with messy hair. "Come in. Mitch, Jerome is in his room." His room? It already sounds permanent. I knocked shyly on the door, and Jerome opened it. "Hi. Do you mind if we just finish this v-log and go?"

"Oh. Okay." I whispered sadly, and Jerome glanced at me. "Okay. I'll start it." I nodded, but regret settled over me. This was callig quits offically, and I wished it didn't have to be this way. I just wanted Jerome back.

Yours: MeromeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora