Chapter 35

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Jerome's POV

Today is the day.

I get Mitch back today. 

I also get to surprise him today...

Right now it's June 17th. Mitch has been in rehab for over four months, but we can get him back now. I can take him home, and keep him safe. 

We were also allowed to take him back for our birthdays. His doctors argued with us for hours, but in the end, our decision, our lives. It was a reasonable place, this center, but it wasn't home. It didn't give the illusion of being together like our group was a family. 

We'd never told the fans what had happened. See, he still had his laptop there, so he could record, and I could from home. The fans only knew we'd gotten back together, and the clinic knew better than to stop him recording. He may have been under their care, but it didn't mean I was scared of fighting for his rights. This was his job, he wanted to keep it. They can't stop him from shining. 

He's also had two more talks with Alison. I'd been there for one of them. Hearing her now, it was like I could finally see what Mitch had seen. Someone a little more radiant. Powerful, sure, but it wasn't forced. Genuine and kind. She'd talked, apologised, then carried on with ease. A change from the girl who'd basically been Medusa the last time. I guess she'd finally hit innocence, a chance to her ways. Ryan however...

He hadn't changed yet.

I still remembered asking him where the old Ryan was, the one I'd become best friends with. I didn't like this new, power-hungry and horny Ryan, only concerned about himself, never mind us. He hadn't been to see Mitch once, and had left almost after the corridor incident. I'd seen him once though, staring at the house, me having needed to move back to the house. I'd wanted to go back home.

Alison's POV 

"Miss Collins, you're wanted." The guard told me gruffly, and led me through to a booth. "I don't understand. Mitch was here just a week ago. If I remember correctly, they said it's the last appointment." I reasoned, and the guard shook his head. "It's not Mr. Hughes here for you. Some other man." Odd. No one else had ever come for me, and the guard was familiar with Mitch. Of course it wouldn't be him making a mistake, not recognising Mitch's face. 

I walked through, and found a vaguely familiar man waiting for me on the other side. He was lying against his chair casually, and when I hesitantly pulled the phone, he grabbed it and looked at me. "Alison. I hear you've been talking to Mitchell..." 

"Who are you?" I asked hesitantly. "Never mind that. Did you know Mitch leaves rehabiliatation today?"

"I knew that it was a matter of time." I replied carefully, and he smirked. "How would you like it if you leave today as well?"

"If someone wants me out, sure, but I highly doubt I'll get out. Anyway, it's not like my sentence is insanely long. Another year is a while, sure, but I deserve it." In truth, I did. Bail was a sweet thought, but I didn't count on it. They'd cut my sentence down already, and there was talk they'd do it again. "I can pay your bail if you promise me one thing." He smirked, and I looked at him sharply. "What?"

"Just cause a little trouble for Mitch."

"No. I've caused enough trouble here." I stated firmly, and he raised his eyebrow. "Well. Look who's all goody good now. Not so long ago, you were still eager enough to make Mitch's life a living hell."

"I wasn't sane then." I argued, and he smirked. "You were sane enough, baby. No crazier than me." 

"Do not call me baby!" I replied hotly. Racking my brains, I tried to remember who this smug asshole was, and came up with nothing. "What's your issue with Mitch anyway?" I asked. "Oh, he has something I want. That's all." He replied casually, then stood up. "I should be off."

"Wait! At least tell me your name." I asked quickly, and he considered it. "They know me as the Milkman. Well, consider my offer. I will be off now. Nice talking to you, I hope you'll accept it." He put the phone down and walked away. Milkman?... oh.

Mitch's POV

Jerome picked up my bag and loaded it into his car. "I'm glad to have you back Biggums!" He smiled, and I felt my face mimic it. He'd been so supportive throughout the past few months. 

Nothing too big had happened. I'd recovered through the majestic healing of doctors and therapy, and though it made me feel like I was crazy sometimes, I was so grateful for their effort, especially when I started having nightmares.

Jerome started driving, fidgeting as he did, obviously hiding some sort of excitement. I'd been around him for years. I knew when he was about to explode out of excitement. Hype train much.

He waited until we parked in the driveway before his hand slid to his pocket and he looked at me with eager, shining eyes. "Look, Mitch, I know I've been an idiot. I don't think I'd realised the extent of it until you nearly died though... and yes, I hate you for it. You almost succeeded, but it was partially my fault. Anyway.

"See, I learnt something from that. I learnt I don't want to lose you. Even after all this, this crazy, turbulent rollercoaster ride we've had, with many ups and downs, I still don't want to lose you. So, Biggums, will you do me a certain honour?" He asked, and finally removed his hand from his pocket with an open ring box. "Will you, Mitchell Donald Ralph Hughes, the idiot I saved who wanted to kill himself, do me the honour of becoming my husband/fiance?" I felt my jaw drop. He. I. Wait. What?

After everything I'd put him through, he still wanted to marry me. I looked at him, forcing my jaw back up, then uttered a word that would change my life for the better. "Yes." Jerome grinned wildly, then hugged me as I buried my head into his shoulder. "Of course I'd say yes. I'm yours."

The end has come!...

So this book series is a trilogy, so I think you'd know what that means... Yep! A new book. It will be called Ours, and should be out sometime... I'll be publishing a chapter when it's ready, so keep your eyes peeled!

Shine bright!


Yours: MeromeWhere stories live. Discover now