Chapter 33

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Jerome's POV

"He's awake."

A nurse had popped her head out the door and alerted us, and I leapt up and hugged her, to her shock. "Oh, thank you!" I sighed, ready to run in to see Mitch. Amber and Tash were keeping back as I threw open the door, then stopped and backed out. What would I say? He was still alive, but he had tried to kill himself. I guess it was time to find out.

"Jerome." He whispered softly as I entered, and I felt a dry sob rack my body as I saw him there. He was the same way I'd remembered him, but his eyes had so much buried pain. I shuffled to his side, and placed my hand on his. "I'm so sorry." He whispered, and he looked down in surprise to find my hand there. "Oh look. You're wearing the ring." He stated simply, and I nodded, then flicked his head. "What were you thinking?"

"I wasn't! I just saw the ring in the bin and decided to do what I'd thought a long time ago."

"You decided to kill yourself a long time ago, and you didn't tell me?!"

"You'd broken up with me! I could hardly turn up at your house and be all like, oh hey Jerome, by the way, I see Alison when I'm awake, and she's convinced me to kill myself!"

"Wait. You see Alison?"

"Yeah." Mitch sighed. "It's been going on for a while."

"What do you mean you see her? Like visit her in prison or something?" I felt myself sharply ask, and Mitch shook his head. "Hallucinations. I know I'm crazy, but I can't help it. She's just there, a figment of my imagination, and it's like there's unspoken power." He sighed. "Help me. Please." I felt myself swallow uncertainly. "I don't know what to do, but while we're at it, what happened with Ryan?"

"I'll bash him if he comes near me." Mitch growled. "I'll do the same." I added, and Mitch carried on. "So he came over, right? Comes to my room, asks how I am, then ends up getting me against a wall. He kept trying to make out with me, and I couldn't find physical strength to break free. Then I heard you, and I figured a way for him to get off. He told me that it was all in vain anyway, and that he'd only done it to make you jealous. That I'd now never have a chance, and stuff." Mitch sighed lightly. "Why do you want to hurt him?"

"Oh, fun story. After we found you, I went home per Tash's suggestion, and he was there. Ryan. I had tried to tell him what had happened, but he rejected listening, and wanted to talk about 'us' for whatever reason." I scoffed. "As if 'us' even existed. I figured that's why he'd broken up with Kaila, and then when he touched me, I punched his cheek. Went to my room and found the ring in the bin. See, I didn't know you'd been here. But I pondered it out loud, and Ryan practically told me that he'd thrown it there. I'd just chucked it on the floor. So, him being the scum he is now, I gave him a lesson he won't forget." I smiled grimly. "He came back though. Pissed off Tash, Amber and myself."

"Where are they?"

"Outside." I answered simplistically. "Look, Mitch, I feel like there's an issue here. I know now I should have never let you go, but I'm questioning your sanity to the degree where I'm wondering if it's a good idea to go back. I want you, but..." Instead of being angry, or hurt, Mitch sighed and accepted it. "Enough to ask for I guess..." He looked at me, then a relaxed look passed his face. "Hey Jerome."


"Wanna be my Valentine's?" He asked cockily, and I punched his arm. "It's a week away, and no one knows what we'll do with you." A soft breath. "I guess you'd better find out then." So I did. A quick meeting with his doctor was arranged, along with a psychologist. "Okay. So we all know Mitch is currently in an unstable region of mental health, but there was something you wanted to add to this?" The doctor, Dr. Jones, had asked. I nodded. "There's something wrong. He reported hallucinations of Alison, from his abduction." The psychologist seemed to ponder it before speaking. "That isn't unusual. Many trauma patients report of seeing their abuser afterwards. It's linked to the fear region of the brain, where they believe there is a continual threat. We would be able to treat his suicidal thoughts, but as for this, there's only one idea I have, which is for him to confront his tormentor. Confronting an illusion with the blood and flesh version could be better, especially if he can find a way to make peace with her." I nodded, taking it in. "I just have a question. How are we going to deal with his suicide thoughts? I feel like it's partially because of me, but..."

"That, we think that rehabilitation is the best idea. You'd be able to visit, but it leaves him with professionals who are able to deal with possible situations. I have a suggestion for a center if you want it, but he would be alright if " I nodded, then left as the meeting cleared up. Heading back to his room, I knew I'd have to tell him now.

I slipped in and took a seat as Amber and Tash left. "Okay. So they know what they want to do, but don't know how much you'll like it."

"Go ahead..."

"They want to send you to rehab for the whole suicide thing, and for the hallucinations, they want you to talk to Alison. In the flesh." Mitch had dealt with the whole rehab idea pretty well, but at the mention of Alison, he'd folded his arms and shook his head. "No."

"Look, it's for your own good, and I promise I'll be waiting as soon as they let you out." I tried, and he perked a little. "You promise?" He asked. I nodded. "I promise. I'll be here for you."

Yours: MeromeWhere stories live. Discover now