Chapter 11

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Mitch's POV

Jerome stood at the cliffside, a drooping figure next to the tall, strong trees. His arms, legs, eyes. Everything was skin and bones, a shadow of life. "I'm sorry." Jerome whispered, turning to me, back facing the void, before he let his feet free and fell.

I leapt after him, trying to fall faster. I had to catch him! I needed to feel him before we were lost forever.

It didn't happen. He suddenly disappeared while ten metres away. I fell still, until the murky darkn-

I woke to nightmares. So many nightmares. Me dying, Amber dying, me getting dragged off a cliff. Jerome dying. Jerome constantly dying. Each death fuelled a new nightmare, until I broke through the veil and woke, heavy gasps escaping my mouth.

"Mitch! Are you okay?!" I felt the stabbing pains around my body and winced. "Uh. I think so. Jerome?"

"Yep, it's me buddy."

"What... has happened?"

"Uhh, they checked you over, stuck a pipe in you."


"Oh, they stuck that pipe in your arm for fluids." I looked to my arm. Huh. So that was why my arm hurt like hell. I tried to pull myself up and almost yelled in pain. "Shhh..." Jerome soothed me and gently pushed me back down onto the bed. "Look. What happened?" I demanded. "Okay... so they took you to hospital, where you were checked over and found injuries, and not just external. Like you have cuts and bruises, and after they took a blood sample, found heaps of drugs in you. They think you'll be fine, just have to eat more because your body weight really worries them. No offense Mitch, but you're so close to skin and bones. What did the woman feed you?!"

"Not much..." I admitted. Jerome rolled his eyes then looked at me. "Don't worry. You're safe now, and here with me, and that's all there is to it."

Shadow's POV

I sat with Luca in his hotel room. It was quiet, and peaceful. Unlike my adrenaline rush. The blood had pounded in my ears; everything was mad. "I still don't get it." Luca stated. I flipped my head to him. "What do you mean?"

"You've know this guy for how long?"

"I don't know... a long while..." I trailed off. I couldn't really state how long, but it did feel like they'd been here forever. "Would you risk your life for them?" He asked. Silence. Then. "Yes."

Amber's POV

"I still can't believe you came!"

"I can't believe you let her go!" Gale retorted, and I rolled my eyes. He smirked and hugged me. "I don't wanna lose you..." I smiled. "I just... I feel so bad. I should have been able to stop her the first time but I didn't. This wouldn't have happened if I had..."

"Hey... hey Amber. Don't beat yourself up about this. Mitch is alive and well, and that's all there is to it."

"I wouldn't say well..." I muttered sullenly. Gale sighed. "He is..."

"No... Jerome said he woke to nightmares." I notified him. Gale sighed. "You make me think you love him..."

"Not romantically..."


"You know I would still die for him."

I am bored...

I have more time as well, so that should mean more updates!... yes... I am done with the weird Authors Notes. They were for a purpose, and I needed a way to show it.

Now. Votes? We got Mitch back! :D

Shine bright!


Yours: MeromeWhere stories live. Discover now