Chapter 5

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Mitch's POV

There was a bottle on the floor. The cup that held the water I had to drink. Now, I looked at it. The sheer emptiness.

It was raining, and I was on the verge of dehydration. Falling back onto the ground, I opened my mouth and accepted the rainwater pouring in. I pulled the bottle next to me, and waited for water to fill it, placing it in a location where water was flowing in a stream. Either I was going to die of lack of water, or I would somehow survive, and I knew that if I ever wanted to see Jerome again, it would have to be the latter.

I looked at the exit after a long drink. Maybe, just maybe, this weather could save me after all.

Jerome's POV

"We need to go now!" I screeched. Amber shook her head. "Too muddy."

"He could have hypothermia!"

"Jerome, I know you love him. We all do but going out in this weather is illogical!" I sighed, feeling defeated. "It's just... I don't want Mitch to feel like I haven't been trying to find him! I have!" Panic swirled around me, making it hard to breath. A loud knock on the door bought me back to reality. "I'll get it." Amber volunteered and I nodded.

Amber's POV

I opened the door. "Gale?!" He was standing at my door, a smiling but tired face. "Hey." Shadow ran down and saw him. "Oh." She sighed, disappointed. "Hey... you could be a little more enthusiastic." Gale teased while she left. I grinned and envoloped him in a hug. Jerome coughed from the living room. "Jerome! Come here! I want you to meet someone."

"No! Not until we go find Mitch!"

"Mitch?... Amber, that's the abducted gu- you live with him?"

"Oh yeah, I told you that."

"Hey Shadow!" Gale yelled. She ran down the stairs, looking slightly annoyed with Gale. "What?"

"I brought you a present you know." Someone stepped out from the side. "Luca!" He ran in and greeted Shadow, and they both walked off. "We're staying at a hotel nearby, or at least I am until I can find new accommodation." Gale explained. I nodded along, relieved I had him back. He saw the look and mirrored it. "I don't think I want to ever let you go." He whispered in my ear. I still couldn't believe it.  "Why are you here?!"

"It was on the news."


"Yep. I didn't know if you were OK though so I just finished the internship and flew over here, but I'm only here for a few days, a week at most."

"I don't care. I'm just glad you're here."

Fern's POV

Yeah, let's all go play happy reunion! Not. "When do I get happiness?" I asked myself out loud. Sighing, I leaned back against the wall and looked out to the garden through the window. "Hey." Jerome came up to me and stood next to me. "Amber and Shadow just left with Gale and Luca. They just talked to me about it though, and I even got compared to an overprotective older brother."

"Good for you."

"Hey, why so sullen?"

"Ugh. I just..." I shook my head, feeling guilty. "Why do I feel like I missed something here?" Jerome asked. I rolled my eyes and Jerome looked out, eyes blanking. "Is it so bad for me to resent all of you?" I asked in a sudden rush. Jerome raised his eyebrows. "How so?"

"Ugh. I hate myself for this. It's just... You have Mitch, and Amber and Shadow now have their new boyfriends." Jerome smirked. "Jealous now, are we?" He teased. Refusing to be amused, I smacked him hard on the arm and he leapt back, rubbing the sore spot. "Amber is taking things slow, and Shadow isn't so sure about what to do, seeing as she and Luca have a history. Also... you know, I don't exactly have Mitch at the moment." Jerome's eyes clouded with sadness and I saw his face flitter with pain. "You miss Mitch?"

"With all my heart."

"Why aren't you breaking down or spastically looking for him then?" Jerome looked thoughtful for a second. "Mainly because I know I will one day find him and we'll be reunited, whether we're dead or alive."

Okay. I said short lull and it turned into a long one. I am so sorry if that pissed you off. Just know I love you all <3

So basically I plan on updating weekly at most, as I want to take it slow, seeing as I am a lazy person, have a different book I need to finish which you can go read if you want, and have new works in progress. Yep. I know what I wanna write, just need to write it, so I will pick up the story quickly! This is a longer chapter for you all because of that though, and it's mostly for an apology to say sorry for the wait. I just have heaps of homework.

While we're at it, go read a book by my friends!

Virus- Tashaandbuddy

You Saved Me- LadyLox321

Fighing Free- Firekillerflora

Shine Bright! ^_^


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