Chapter 10

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Jerome's POV

I took Barley and we ran. "Let him free." Gale advised, and I glared at him, making him stop sheepishly. "Hey, he's well trained." Gale reasoned, and I sighed and let Barley run free. "Let's just go!" We sped ahead, Barley the fastest of all, and found him growling at Alison who was backing off slowly in the distance, looking behind her. They were a good hundred feet away though. "Can you hear that?" I whispered to Amber. She nodded. "Yeah. Is that what I think it is?"

"Police. Ambulance." Gale breathed. I relaxed at and looked at the advancing Barley. "Barley!" I yelled. Barley stopped his growl and trotted to me meekly, and Alison narrowed her eyes at us before taking off again. "Are you sure Jerome?"

"She won't get away." I replied to Amber, and turned around. "I want to get back to Mitch."

Mitch's POV

She came at me, diamond sword shining bright in the harsh sunlight, blinding me. I raised my arms up to shield my face, and out of the corner of my eyes, saw her running at me. This was it. It was over. I was going to die. I squeezed my eyes shut and braced myself for the pain.

A sudden chink sounded, and I kept my eyes shut. Huh. This was painless, and didn't getting impaled sound different, and feel different? I opened my eye a sliver to see Jerome had leapt in front of me, and was battling this person. I slowly backed away while Jerome growled deeply, his canines showing as he bared his teeth. His long brown fur was waving in the light, and he was weilding his axe like the master he was.

The battle was fierce. All of us were suited in iron and lingerie, and we all had diamond weapons. Shots were fired by me while I regenerated, and TNT was set, before she started to talk, her voice oddly familiar. "Give it up Mitch. You know I already won."

"Never! You'll never win!"

"What Mitch?"

"I'm sorry Jerome, just I-duck!" Jerome dropped his head, and I looked down. "She was an ex." I didn't know where these words were coming from, but they flowed effortlessly from my mouth, and I knew that this wouldn't be stopped. "She... I can't win this Jerome. You have to do it for us." He looked at me, confused. We were all wounded heavily. I loaded up my bow and she did the same... I looked where it was pointing, my bow still loaded and I fired, but it was too late. The arrow was shot a-

"Mitch!" I was jerked awake, my body trembling. I took a shaky breath, and felt the tears cloud my eyes. I was on a stretcher, and Jerome was sitting next to me. "You just had a bad dream. That's all..." Jerome soothed, and I relaxed, not realising I had been tense up until this moment. "Mitch, they're going to take you to hospital, just to check for any injuries and stuff. We're in an ambulance." Jerome said, and instantly I started to panic before he stroked my face. "Don't move Mitch. You'll be alright." He whispered. I barely managed to reply. "Amber."

"What about her?"

"Alison, she said she had died." I gasped. I felt so weak. "She didn't die. Just lost the use of her vocal chords for a while." Jerome told me, and I let out a deep breath. "Alison?"

"Police are onto her."

"O-ok." I took another deep breath, and stared up at the murky white of the ambulance roof. "Don't stress Mitch, it'll all be alright, just you wait." Jerome murmured, and I felt his lips press fleetingly to mine before he stroked my head. I closed my eyes again, his words reassuring. Maybe everything could be alright.

Time is running out. What was once seen is now invisible and the cold is the same as warmth. You neglect to see the pain, or have but don't want to face it. Don't make me put it anymore on showcase.

I know that this pit in my stomach is not born out of guilt. It's made by the fire in my belly and it's burning out.

The veil has been lifted, and promises remembered. I am not asking for you to change for me. I'm asking you if you will change like you wanted to.

You chose to dance with others. Am I just your audience, or a backup dancer? I feel like I am never to be equal, and to be honest, I don't need that in my life. You can do what you want if we let go, because I won't try stop you anymore. If you let go, you'll be free.

Don't make this the end. I dread it, but I won't take the pain and ignorance any longer. I didn't give the silver medal I recieved at the start. It was always gold. Now, I don't care. You get to choose the one you'll get by what I recieve.


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