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Jerome's POV

We finished up the video, and then Mitch ended his v-log. "Jerome, I'll send it to you soon I guess..." Mitch faltered for a second, then continued, his eyes bigger with hope. "Unless we don't have to use it."

"Of course we do. We owe it to the viewers to explain everything!"

"Unless there wasn't anything to explain." Mitch said, and it clicked. What he was implying. "No." I replied instantly, and he immediately faded. "Jerome, I regret everything! Please don't give up on me. I know we can make this work!"

"Mitch, I said no."

"Please Jerome!"

"I said no!" I repeated, and Mitch drooped his head, tears now dropping onto his lap. "Okay."


"It's just lonely without you. I miss you, and I still love you."

"I feel the same, but that shouldn't be why I go back." Boy, had the tides changed. Mitch looked at me, desperate. "Are you sure nothing can change?"


"And that I have no hope?"

"I can't give you hope. I'm sorry."

"Not sorry enough." Mitch muttered, then walked up and left. I heard the fragile footsteps as he ran off, and regret settled over me. Again I had broken his heart, and again, he was going to hurt. I should have mever let him come over. Damn.

I looked out the window, then picked up my phone. Hey, I hadn't talked to them enough over this time, and they said they needed a good time just as much as I did.

I dialled the newly added number, and waiting as the tone started ringing. "Hello? Yeah, I'm just at... home. Wanna come hang? Not like a date, unless you want it to be... I don't think I want to go back to Mitch. What? Fine, just as friends then. Okay. See you soon." Maybe I didn't have to get over Mitch so soon. I'd hopefully get help, with assistance of a few drinks with a friend.

Mitch's POV

As soon as I walked out the door, I ran down the street, head bowed as I made my way through the streets. In so little time, so much had changed. I'd lost the best thing in my life, and he'd surely move on. My nights were shadowed by the idea of one girl, still fighting me, with nails, limbs and words. I'd wake up, fear flowing through my veins, clothes and hair plastered in sweat, and have to live another day dreading the next, and I didn't have any hopes now.

It was precisely then I decided what I had to do. A selfish act. A hurtful act. Suicide. (Damn. This book took a very harsh turn.) The fans, they'd have other YouTubers to obsess over, learn more about them that they knew about themselves. My family would hurt, as would my friends, but they'd all have each other for support, and would move on.


He didn't care. Not anymore. Not after all that had happened. He wasn't mine and more, and I wasn't his. So I guess this was about right. No one would care so deeply they'd ever dream of following me. They'd hurt, and move on, and I'd just be a dead shadow. Unless...

I walked through the door, and saw Tash leaving. "Are you okay Mitch?" She gasped, seeing my tears. I managed a weary nod of the head, and she bade me goodbye. "Well, check on me much." I muttered sullenly. Suicide seemed like a rainbow after a very big storm. But not yet. Only when I was sure all hope was lost would I play on it. Until then...

Jerome's POV

Tash walked in, and I welcomed her onto my bed. "Hey, what do you want me here for."


"No thanks."


"Jerome, I tend not to drink, because puking over toilet bowls isn't what I enjoy." I shrugged and grabbed myself a beer. "Actually, Jerome, I think I might leave," Tash muttered, and I looked up to her. "Why? You just got here!"

"I sense I'm a rebound thing, and that you suddenly delevoped a dangerous taste for all things alcoholic, and I don't really want to be a part of either of them." I looked at her. She'd almost hit the home truth. She stood and looked at me with pity. "I hope you realise that you're living a lie. Anyway, I'll see you at Christmas."

"I'm still invited?!"

"Yeah." She looked at me. "Don't do anything stupid. It hurts more people than you think."

On holiday, so less updates... But I will have that Christmas chapter up, hopefully on Christmas, and then I'll follow my own timeline again and stop keeping to actual holidays.


Yours: MeromeWhere stories live. Discover now