Chapter 2

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<Nathan Speiser's POV>
Amanda seemed so nervous to tell me. I looked at her in the eyes and saw that she was. I stood up and put my hand out for her to grab. She giggled and accepted. I pulled her up and took her out to the balcony. She walked over to the ledge and leaned over it. I went to sit on a chair and I looked at her. She was so beautiful and she didn't even have to try. I heard her sigh. She had turned to face me. "Nathan, I'm still in love with you." She said and looked down. I smiled and walked over to her. I lifted her chin and kissed her. She deepened it and then smiled into the kiss. "I'm still in love with you too." I said. She kissed me again and giggled. She turned around and looked over the ledge. I snaked my arms around her waist and rested my chin on her shoulder. She giggled and shook her head. "Can you sing our song for me, please?" I asked. She nodded. She started to sing and I took her and danced with her. She smiled at me and giggled. I've never been happier. I'm starting to get my girl back. She had finished singing and we stopped dancing. I clapped for her. She bowed. We both laughed. "Thank you. Thank you." She joked. I laughed at her and went to sit down. She looked over the ledge again. I looked at her and smiled. "So what does this make us?" I asked. She shrugged and looked over her shoulder. She walked over to me and sat on the chair next to me. She faced her body towards me and she looked at her lap. "If you aren't ready for a relationship, it's okay. I can wait until you're ready." I said, lifting her chin. She looked at me and smiled. She hugged me. "You would really wait for me? Nate, you don't have too." She said and pulled away from the hug. "I'd do anything for you." I said. She was in a daze and then her face lit up. I looked at her confused. "What if you are just a thing for now and see where it goes." She said. I smiled at the thought. "I like that idea." I said. She smiled and looked down. She grabbed my hand and started playing with my fingers. She sighed and intertwined her hand with mine. "Should we tell everyone?" She asked and stood up, pulling me up with her. "Yeah we should." I said. She pecked me on the lips and started to walk inside.

<Justin Roberts' POV>
Amanda and Nathan have been talking for a while now. I started getting nervous. I would look out the window of the balcony door to see how they were doing. I was scared that Amanda would get hurt again. I heard the door of the balcony open. I looked up to see Amanda and Nathan holding hands and laughing. Everyone became quiet. I walked over to where everyone was. "So we have some exciting news for all of you." Nathan said, smiling and looking down at Amanda. She smiled and hugged him. "We are going to take things slow and see where it goes from there." Amanda said. Nathan kissed her forehead and Amanda giggled. I smiled at the sight of seeing my best friend happy again. Everyone cheered expect for Jonah. Jonah had whispered something to Corbyn and then Jonah walked out. "Well congrats pumpkin and Nathan but we got to go. Jonah isn't feeling to well." Corbyn said. The boys went to hug Amanda and said their goodbyes to everyone. "Have fun on your road trip. See you guys when you get back." Zach had said as they walked out. I walked over to Amanda's room to get her suitcase and mine. I set them by the front door. I looked at the time on my phone. 2:30AM.  "Amanda it's time to go." I said. She nodded and said bye to everyone. "Have fun guys. See you guys soon. We love you." Logan said. Amanda waved and we walked out the door and to the car. We put the suitcases in the back and got into the car. I helped Amanda into the passenger seat and rushed to get into the drivers seat. We put our seatbelts on. I backed out and started to drive.

Hey guys!! The sequel started on chapter 1. It was what happened after Amanda said I missed you to the WDW Boys!! Anyways I hope you enjoyed the sequel so far. Much love- Amanda Marie💕

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