Chapter 8

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<Amanda Paul's POV>
I walked over to my hotel room and knocked on the door. I moved back and rocked back and forward. The door opened slowly and revealed a worried Justin. He looked up at and hugged me quickly. I hugged him back confused. We pulled away and I walked into the room. "Justin are you okay?" I asked confused. He looked at me and shook his head. "You don't know do you?" He said. I'm so lost. What is he talking about. I walked over to my bed and he sat on his. "What are you talking about?" I questioned my best friend. "It's Aj." He said. I moved forward, sitting at the edge of the bed. "What about Aj?" I asked. He sighed and looked down. "He's in the hospital because he overdosed." He said quietly. I stood up quickly. "What? When did this happen?" I asked starting to panic. "It happened last night. I just got a call from the hospital." He said. I rushed to pack all of our things and rushed out of the hotel and getting to the car. Justin followed behind me and opened the car. I put all the stuff in the trunk while Justin started the car. I closed the trunk and got into the passenger side. Justin pulled out of the parking spot and drove to the hospital.

*a few minutes later*
Justin parked the car and I rushed into the hospital. I ran over to the front desk. "Hi. How may I help you?" The lady asked politely. "Hi um I'm here to see Aj Mitchell." I told her. She typed something on the computer. She looked up at me. "You can't see him yet but you can wait in the waiting room." She said. I thanked her and went to sit on one of the chairs. My leg was shaking and there was so many thoughts in my mind that I was in a daze. I felt the couch sink next to me. I looked over and saw Justin. He saw that I was worried and pulled me into a hug. I started to cry. I can't believe he would do this. He's such a happy and positive kid. Why would he do that? I shook the thought out of my head and pulled away from Justin. I quickly wiped my tears and looked down at my lap. I saw the Justin put a piece of paper on my lap. I took it in my hands and looked at him. He nodded, telling me to read it. I opened it and read it. It said:

Dear my beautiful and talented Amanda,
I know that you are wondering why I overdosed. So here is why I did. Ever since I was young, I was bullied. I was made fun of because of singing. It hadn't bothered me as much back then. At one point in my life, singing was all I had because my parents had gone divorced and I moved out to LA. I was struggling at the beginning. I had no one. I had no family, no friends, nothing. Soon enough Atlantic Records saw me and signed me. They became my family but I felt out of place. Yeah I had friends there but I didn't feel loved or wanted until I met you. It's crazy since I just met you and everything. Everything instantly changed. I felt loved and wanted. It's just that you're special (in a good way). I know you've had your struggles and hard times too but when I was around you I felt secure and safe. The thing is the guys were always putting me down and it got to the point were I couldn't take it anymore and I overdosed. I felt like everyone stopped caring. When I saw you walk away with Taylor, I felt like a little piece of me broke because I thought you stopped caring. Justin had told me that you never stopped caring for me and showing love for me but I didn't believe him. So here we are you reading this letter and thinking that I'm crazy for doing such a thing. It was my only choice. I'm sorry. If I don't wake up, I just want you to know that I've been in love with you since Justin introduced us at Disneyland. Don't forget that. I love you Amanda Marie. Forever and Always. If things don't work out for us I hope we stay friends.
Love your idol, friend, and lover,
Aj Mitchell

I folded the paper and cried. I can't lose him. He doesn't deserve to be gone. He has so much to live for. I sat back in my chair and just stared off into space.

*a few hours later*
The magcon guys were here with us. We haven't heard anything about Aj. I was pacing back and forwards and biting my nails. "Aj Mitchell?" The doctor said. I looked up at the doctor and walked over to him. "How's he doing doctor?" I asked. "He's awake and fine but he has to stay for a couple of days." He said. "What happened?" I asked. "He overdosed on Advil but there was something else in him that made him pass out. We think he might have gone drunk. He's in room 135. So the second door on the right." The doctor said. I nodded and thanked him. I walked over to the rest. They stood up and waited for me to say something. "He's awake and fine. The doctor said he overdosed on Advil but they think that he got drunk." I said. They nodded and sat back down. "You wanna go see him?" Taylor asked. I looked at him and nodded. He walked me to his room. "I wanna talk to him alone." I said. He nodded and kissed my forehead, walking away. I knocked on the door softly and opened it. I walked in and saw him. He looked so pale and sick. This hurt me so much. I walked over to his bed and sat on the edge. I looked at him for a second and looked down at my lap. He sat up it and patted the spot next to him. I moved to the spot. "Hey beautiful." He whispered. "Hi." I said. I started to cry softly. It was silent for a few minutes. Aj pulled me into a hugged, rubbing my back and singing. I calmed down the cry and pulled away. "Aj. You could have talked to me about what you were going through. You know I'm going through the same thing. Heck my mom died too. You can't do this. You can't just give up on me like that. You just can't do all the stuff you did. You might not realize it but there are people out there who love you. Your fans love you, Justin loves you, and I love you. That is family and that doesn't change. You can't let the negativity take over the positivity. Don't let anything bring you down, okay?" I said. He smiled at me and hugged me. I laughed lightly. We pulled away. "Did you get my letter?" He asked. I nodded and gave it to him. He looked at me confused. He put it in my purse. "So it's true?" I asked. "What's true?" He asked. "That you're in love with me?" I questioned. He looked down and blushed, then nodded. I lifted his head and made him look at me. I kissed his cheek. He smiled and looked at me. "Oh the things you do to me Amanda Marie." He said and I giggled.

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