Chapter 3

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<Amanda Paul's POV>
It's been a few hours of Justin and I driving. The car ride had been silent the whole time. Justin was focused on the road and I was staring outside my window. The music was playing softly and I was humming along to it. Justin had pulled up at a McDonald's. He parked the car and faced me. "Are you okay?" He asked. I just shrugged. I really didn't want to talk right now. I wasn't upset or anything. I just wasn't in the mood to talk. "Do you want the usual?" He asked, while getting out of the car. I simply nodded. He got out of the car and I locked it. I got my phone and plugged in my earphones. I shuffled my playlist and put my earphones in my ears. I don't know why I'm not in the mood to talk. I mean I'm happy and everything but why am I not talking. I might be in my head too much. I just shook the thoughts out of my mind and heard a tap on the window. I looked up to see Justin with the food. I unlocked the door for him and grabbed the bag of food and the drinks. I set the cups in the cup holders and grabbed my food out of the bag. "Thank you." I whispered and started eating. "You're welcome." He said, eating as well. As soon as we finished eating, Justin backed out and started driving again. I raised the volume of the radio. The radio was playing my favorite song. I started to sing it. As i finished singing, I didn't hear any music. I looked at Justin and saw that he was recording. I smiled and looked down at my lap. "You got so real talent there." He said and put his put the video on his Instagram story. I just smiled and shook my head, disagreeing. "Why don't you think so?" He asked. "I don't know. I just don't think I'm good at singing." I said and shrugged. He rolled his eyes playfully. I giggled. We pulled up to the hotel we were staying at. I got out of the car and looked at the hotel in awe. Justin had gotten our suitcases and locked the door. He stood next to me and laughed. "This hotel is so nice." I said in awe. Justin just nodded and started to walk. I followed him. He went to the front desk and got our room key. He gave it to me and I ran to the elevator with it. I waited for Justin and we both walked into the elevator. "I'm so excited." I said. He laughed. "I could tell." He said. We both laughed and got off the elevator. We walked to our room. I unlocked the door and held it for Justin. We walked in and Justin put the suitcases in the closet. We both sat on our beds. We looked at each other and laughed. "Thank you." I said. He looked at me confused. "Thank you for being there for me and for putting up with my emotional wreck of a human. Thank you for just giving me advice and helping with all the boy drama and for being a brother." I said. "Of course." He said. I smiled at him and looked at the time. "I'm going to sleep." I said. Justin nodded. I got under the covers and went to sleep.

<Justin Roberts POV>
I have a surprise for Amanda and I hope she likes it. I turned off the lights and went to sleep.

He's the One///Aj Mitchellحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن