37. Father Williams

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Both the kids' faces were extremely terrified. They wanted to run away, away from her, ignore whatever she was saying, wanted to think it as just a dream which will get over when they wake up, think that she's just another psycho who was giving them empty threats just for fun. But a part of them somehow believed her, feared what will come ahead of them, questioned their move. They just sat there, paralyzed with fear, staring at the woman laughing in front of them. But another part of them wanted to face it, to tell her that she's wrong, that they will fight, that they will not give in to Diana, that they will not let her cause harm to anyone anymore.

Hannah tried to ignite the car, but the engine won't start. She looked at John who mirrored the same feeling that she was having. The woman kept laughing, with her words of terror echoing, and then, out of nowhere, lightning struck just a few inches away from the car. Hannah and John shrieked and put their arms around themselves for protection and when they looked up, she was gone. The woman was nowhere to be seen.

Hannah and John looked around, rolled down the windows, and looked everywhere. There was nothing but road and greenery. The woman was nowhere to be seen as if she dissolved in the air and vaporized. The sky became clear. Not a single dark cloud to cause thunder or lightning. Everything became quiet and normal as if nothing out of the ordinary has ever happened. Still shaken with everything that just happened, both of them wanted so bad to escape from there.

Hannah turned the key, but the car won't start. With every failed attempt to turn the car on, they decided to walk as there was no use to try with the car anymore. They got down, slammed the door shut behind them, and walked.

"So," John began. "Where from now?"

Hannah shrugged. "Let's see where this road takes us."

After walking nonstop for about an hour and a half or so, their feet began to get sore. They rested for a while under the shade of a tree but then again continued their journey as they had to reach the house no matter what.

"Look!" John said with one hand on his knees and another finger pointing to something not far from them. Hearing what his brother was talking about, Hannah shifted her eyes to see what he was pointing to.

It was a Church - an old Church surrounded by many dried trees with only branches and a few tiny leaves here and there.

With their feet killing them from all the walking, the moon shining brightly in the night sky, with crickets and fireflies around and more miles to go, they decided it's better to go inside the church.

Inside, they were greeted by a very calm and peaceful looking figure.

"Good evening, children," said the figure in a very sweet voice. "I haven't seen you around. Come inside, it's about to get extremely dark."

"Thank you." Both said in unison.

"I'm Hannah and this is my brother John."

"I'm Father Williams." He said with a friendly smile.

"Yes," John said, looking at him, "we are not from here. We have come a long way to seek the truth and end something we have started."

"Oh, I see. God will guide you, my child, if you need Him. He's always there for His children. I wish you success. Come with me."

Following Father Williams towards the nave, something came into Hannah's mind.


"Yes, Hannah,"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, your face says it all that something's bothering you. Go on,"

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