57. You Messed With The Wrong Girl

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"No one's going anywhere, well," Hannah looked around like she was searching for something. "Where's Tom, dear brother? Tooooommmm!" Hannah called him with a sweet and singing voice.

Tom came from the living room swaying his tail hearing Hannah's voice but suddenly when he saw her, his tail stopped wagging and he started growling. They say that dogs can see what we can't and that they are far better at sensing someone's presence. Well, it seemed like Tom knew at once that even though Hannah was standing in front of him, it wasn't Hannah, his best friend.

"Before saying anything, I want Tom out of the house. I don't want him to see things." Saying this, she opened the door telepathically while everyone stared at her. "What?" She said looking at everyone looking at her unsure of what she was about to do with Tom. "Don't look at me like that! I have a heart too! I don't want Tom to see cer-tain things, you know what I mean, right, dear brother?"

John knew what she meant. What he didn't know was what she was going to do next. But one thing was for sure, there definitely would be blood everywhere, tonight. Screams of pain will definitely echo in the house, just like he heard when his best friend, Harry screamed that night. He felt so helpless. If he could turn back time, he would wish to bring Harry back. He looked upstairs - that was the very first place - the bathroom - where the house witnessed its first murder - uncle Max and tonight there would be another. He had a gut-wrenching feeling that tonight's gonna be a macabre night. Tonight would be the night that they would lose another member of their family - the lady in black, aunt Petunia. But what most disturbing thing about that night was that they will be the witness of a brutal murder. But he can't be so sure - It's Diana and no one can really guess what she could do.

John agreed with Hannah. He didn't want their dog to be a part of such a sadistic night. He really wanted the night to be a peaceful one without any more loss but there was nothing he could do. Diana was far stronger than any of them.

He walked Tom outside the house and closed the door and then walked back towards where the family was standing close to each other as Tom continued to bark in the background.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" Petunia raised her voice a bit starting to get annoyed at what she thought was all a play. But it's not her fault to think this way - she did not even know what's the real truth and about her fast-approaching death.

"Aunt Petunia," Emily began with her voice still shaking. "I know you won't believe us if we told you but-"

"Wait," Hannah cut her off and sounded surprised. "Don't tell me you didn't tell her?"

When no one spoke, Hannah began laughing. "Oh Lord, this would be way more fun. Let me tell you, sweet aunt, what they haven't told you yet." She instantly flew in front of Petunia with a swoosh of wind. "Tonight's your last night."

"What are you talking about, Hannah?" Petunia's heart began beating in her chest.

"The first thing you should know is that I am not your Hannah. I'm actually, Diana. And after tonight, you are going to thank me when I send you to your husband, Max whom I've killed too to tell that you all will die one by one and there's no escape from that." She gave a sinister smile causing aunt Petunia to trip from her heels and fall on the carpet.

"Stop it, Hannah, and stop it, all of you. Don't pull anything like this - it's really sick."

"Oh, my God, you are so dumb! Stupid Petunia," Hannah rolled her eyes.

When Petunia heard the way Hannah was talking to her, she knew that somehow there was a truth that surely this wasn't Hannah. The Hannah that was standing in front of her couldn't be her Hannah. She won't talk to her aunt or anyone in this way.

"If I was Hannah, would I be able to do this?" Saying this, Hannah stretched her arm out and with her hands half-clutched, she raised Petunia in the air as she began choking her with her telekinesis.

"B- br- ing me down," Petunia's words muffled as she had difficulty breathing with Hannah's hand choking her windpipe with her legs desperately searching for ground and her hands on her neck trying to break free the strangling.

The entire family looked at Petunia and Hannah shocked and in terror.

Hannah let go and Petunia fell on the ground on her face. The bones of her nose cracked a bit with spots of her blood on the marble tiles.

"I'm sorry," she cried as she looked at John and Emily, "I'm sorry that I did not believe you. I'm sorry. I don't want to die!"

Seeing his aunt cry and beg for his help in front of him, John felt really guilty. It was all because of him. He wanted to save her but how? He couldn't. He was helpless.

"No amount of sorry could save you now, Petunia," Hannah said as she began approaching Petunia.

"Please, stop, Hannah!" Rose suddenly shouted which caused Hannah to turn from Petunia and float towards Rose. "I know somewhere, deep down, you can hear me. This is not you, Hannah." Hannah came face to face with Rose. Rose was terrified inside but she knew that she has to be brave - brave for her daughter. She looked the girl standing in front of her in the eyes - the innocence, the sweetness were all replaced by the coldness and bitterness. "Don't let a demon take over you. I know you are my strong girl. You have to fight her out."

Hannah leaned forward with her face in Rose's face. Her cold eyes suddenly became big begging for help with desperation. "Mom," It was Hannah's voice. "help me," Hannah cried as she tried to fight back but Diana was way too strong to overpower. In only a split second, she gained control and pushed Rose.

"Grrr," Hannah growled in anger. Rose fell on the floor and David rushed to help her get back up. She turned towards Petunia, "I've heard what Rose said about how you tried to kill, Hannah."

Petunia cried on the floor begging for forgiveness. "I was stupid, I didn't know any better back then."

"Oh, save it," Hannah said in disgust. "It'd be my pleasure to take revenge on Hannah's behalf. You messed with the wrong girl, Petunia. You don't deserve any forgiveness. Now you'll know what being on the other end of taking life feels like."

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