Alison's Feelings.

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Alison's POV

 I loved her, I loved Emily Fields more than anything in the world. After all this time I've loved her, even when I pushed her away and made out all those kisses were just for practice... They wasn't. They was the real thing, and the best thing I never had. Whilst I was away I wished she was mine, the only person to ever touch her would be me, the only person to hold her would be me and the only person to kiss her would be me. No matter how hard I tried to push the feelings away, they would never go away. I would watch Emily with her girlfriends wishing I could call her mine and kiss her whenever I wanted but it was all my fault, I should have never hurt her the way I did. Now it's time to tell her how I really feel and hope at the end of this I can call her my Emily Fields, my whole entire world.

"Em" I said,
"Ali, what's up?" Emily questioned
"I really need to talk to you, but on our own!"
"Okay Ali, where? And when?" Emily said
"Meet me later.. At our spot, the kissing rock. At 8. Please?"

"Yeah okay, I'll see you later Ali"

Wow. She actually agreed to meet me later, at our spot where we used to kiss. She needs to know how much I really do love her.

Emily's POV

My heart was beating fast.. Why would Ali want to meet me.. At the kissing rock where we used to kiss. There was only one way to find out. I think it's about time I told her that I still loved her. I still do and I always will. I just wish Ali was mine and nobody else's .

Alison got to the Kissing Rock early and practised what she was going to say to Emily. Emily arrived minutes later;

"Em. I've been struggling to find a way to say this, I just need you to know how I feel and I promise you now I will never ever hurt you again"

"Ali. Okay but what are you on about?" Emily questioned.

"Em, I'm in love with you. I always have been even when I hurt you and told you that those kisses were just for practise, I love you more than anything else in this world. I want to be with you, I want to hold you, kiss you and tell you everything's gonna be alright. I just want you em. I love you and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to say this but this is the truth and how I feel.

Say something please?"

"Ali. I love you so much, I always have even when I was with Paige and maya, I never loved them the way I loved you. Yes I loved them but I would never be able to love anybody the way I love you"

Alison gave out a smile and grabbed Emily's hand.

"Em. I'm sorry for hurting you and letting you down but I promise you that I will never hurt you again but I'm scared if we get together, you'll see another blonde gorgeous girl and pick her over me. I'm scared you'll love another girl and it won't be me. I'm scared I just d-" Emily cut Alison off.

"Listen to me Ali, I love you. Okay. I love you. Nobody else, I want YOU. Do you hear me? I want you, and shut up. There is nobody in this whole entire world that is as beautiful and gorgeous as you. Nobody will ever compare to you. I love you. Do you hear me? YOU."

Alison let out a huge smile and took Emily's hand.

"So Mrs Fields, will you be my girlfriend?" Alison asked Emily with a smile on her face.

"Yes, but it's got to be public. It can't be a secret okay?"

"I want the whole world to know I'm in love with you. When I was away, I would sit in bars all day and raise my drink to getting older thinking I'm in love with Emily but she would never know. It broke my heart to think that and I would say to myself that if things could be different I would never have hurt you or said any of those things. I never meant to hurt you em and I never will again" Alison said with tears coming down her face

Emily wiped the tears upon her girlfriends face and told her that she didn't have to explain anything, it was the past. Emily kissed Alison's lips for several minutes but backed off.

"Em. You can kiss me you know? I'm yours now"

"This truly is our spot isn't it? Just mine and yours"

"It is and it always will be, I'll never take anybody else here and you can't bring anybody else here, this is our spot and ours only okay?"

"Yes Ali I know and I won't I promise and do you know how much I've wanted this to happen, I'd dream of this. One day you coming back, you'd take me here and tell me you love me, you'd kiss me and then we'd go to your house and make love and it would be the best night of my life."

"So.. My house it is then?" Alison replied with a huge cheeky grin on her face.

As time got by, Emily and Alison arrived at Alison's house, they went straight upstairs. Alison put some music on and first played "Body Rock"

"I'm gonna make your body rock tonight em" Alison said with a smile.

Alison wrapped her legs around Emily's waist and kissed her, the longer they kissed the more passionate the kiss became, Alison put her hands upon Emily's face and then through her hair and kissed her neck, Alison then whipped her t shirt off and then Emily put her gorgeous girlfriend down. Emily went to her wardrobe to put her clothes away, Alison was constantly looking at Emily waiting for their next big moment, she couldn't wait any longer and wrapped her legs around Emily and kissed her, they moved around and crashed against all of Alison's tables and everything on the tables fell off, they sat down on Alison's desk table whilst she still had her legs wrapped around em. Emily said "Are you sure you want to do this? We don't have to you know we can just chill and watch movies or go back to mine?"

"Em no, here is perfect. Nobody's home it's just me you. We can watch movies another night I just want tonight to be special"

Emily agreed and kissed Alison's neck passionately, there were rose petals everywhere and especially on the bed where the girls would spend their night.

Alison took Emily's hand to the bed and climbed on top of her kissing her, Emily wanted to take charge and got on top and kissed Ali, she kissed her entire neck then moved on to her chest, to her stomach and to the bottom of Ali's body, Emily pulled off Ali's shorts and kissed Ali's inner thighs. Ali gave out a huge groan, Emily looked up to see if Ali wanted her to continue or not and Ali smiled which was a sign for Em to carry on, so she did. Ali took charge again and did the exact same and took off Emily's jeans and kissed her inner thighs. They removed each others close until they were left naked. They made love the whole night through.

Alison woke first at 5:08am to find her in Emily's arms, she kissed her forehead and led on her chest and all she could hear was her girlfriends breathing. She knew she was safe and in the best hands. She went back to sleep with a smile on her face.

Emily woke up later at 5;29 to see Ali led on her chest, she started playing with Ali's hair and kissed her for several moments on her forehead. She spent the whole night with the love of her life. She went back to sleep playing with Ali's hair on her chest and with a huge smile on her face.

- end of chapter 1, will update if people enjoy. :)

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